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声音从一片稀稀拉拉的杂树林中传来。The voices were coming from a copse of straggly trees.

伦敦的例行表演中登场的那些舞者简直就是群丑跳梁。The dancing was a bit straggly in the " London " routine.

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伦敦的例行献技中上台的那些舞者简直就是群魔乱舞。The da certaincing was a lttle word straggly in the " London " routine.

弗兰克眼下已经理了发,刮掉了原本淩乱不堪的胡须而且还摘掉了两个鼻环。Frank got a haircut, shaved his straggly beard and also removed two nose rings.

如果仍有人在怀疑马达加斯加是否还是一个万事混乱的国家。If there is anyone out there who still doubts that Madagascar is a place where all things are straggly.

当我在一棵古老的柳树下,静静的开始读书时,公园的长椅上空无一人。不再对生活抱有幻想,我绝对有理由抱怨,这世界快让我崩溃了!The park bench was deserted as I sat down to read Beneath the long, straggly branches of an old willow tree.

公园的长椅上空无一人,我走了过去坐在一棵老柳树长长的零乱的枝条下读书。The park bench was deserted as I sat down to read beneath the long, straggly branches of an old willow tree.

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一片零零落落的铁皮屋顶原来是个相当大的村庄,于是小艇靠了岸,在满是卵石的海滩上下客卸货。A straggly group of iron roofs turns out to be a sizeable village, and the boat is steered into the pebbly beach to unload.

然后莎拉从塑料盆里掏出一棵玫瑰来,把它散乱的根植入土中,压实周围的肥土。Then Sarah eases out a rose from its plastic pot and lowers its straggly roots into the earth, pressing compost around them.

两条短短的罗圈腿,一头又长又乱的姜黄色头发,一双肿胀充血的眼睛,使得他看上去像一只短腿猎狗那样愁苦。He had short, bandy legs, long straggly ginger hair and bloodshot, baggy eyes that gave him the doleful look of a basset hound.

五个人物姿态各不相同,并在变化错落中达到了和谐统一。The five personages posture has nothing in common with each other, and have reached unifying harmoniously in changing straggly.

伦敦的例行表演中登场的那些舞者简直就是群魔乱舞。眼看着那些骑着自行车的家伙也来凑热闹,中国人都会认为。The dancing was a bit straggly in the " London " routine . After seeing all the cyclists taking part, the Chinese will think "No can afford cars in London "

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伦敦的例行表演中登场的那些舞者简直就是群魔乱舞。眼看着那些骑着自行车的家伙也来凑热闹,中国人都会认为。The dancing was a bit straggly in the "London "routine . After seeing all the cyclists taking part, the Chinese will think "Nobody can afford cars in London "

伦敦的例行表演中登场的那些舞者简就是群魔乱舞。眼看着那些骑着自行车的家伙也来凑热闹,中国人都会认为“伦敦人都买不起车啦”The dancing was a bit straggly in the " London " routine . After seeing all the cyclists taking part, the Chinese will think "Nobody can afford cars in London "