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“他突然被击中后脑,”莱尔说。"Suddenly he's hit in the head from behind," Lehr says.

装甲教导师和第二装甲师一直在西线作战。Panzer Lehr and the 2nd Panzer Division remained in the west.

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“根据常识,他应该看到些什么,”莱尔说。"Common sense would say that he had to see something," Lehr says.

“警察写的关于那晚的报告大概有20或30份,”莱尔说。"There were like 20 or 30 police reports written that night," Lehr says.

“那些警察各自消失在夜色中,”莱尔说。"Those cops sort of disappeared into the shadows of the night," Lehr says.

模拟结果表明,利用数值模拟方法可以改进退火窑的设计和操作。The mathematieal simulation can be improved the design and operation of lehr.

彼得莱尔是海盗和英国的圣安德鲁斯大学恐怖主义专家。Peter Lehr is a piracy and terrorism specialist at Britain's University of St Andrews.

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介绍了玻璃退火炉应用远红外加热技术的经验。Experience in using far infrared heating technique on glass annealing lehr has been reported.

“开始,我为这个法律兴奋不已,”有专家说,“但我没有意识到该法律在清理有害物质场所中的做法是完全缺乏理性的。"I was thrilled with the law originally, " Lehr says, "but I didn't see it attempting totally irrational cleanups.

“警察从各地赶来,”莱尔说“各地有超过二十辆警车参与了追捕行动。”"Cops were flying in from all over, " Lehr says. "There were more than 20 cruisers involved at different points in the chase. "

“开始,我为这个法律兴奋不已,”有专家说,“但我没有意识到该法律在清理有害物质场所中的做法是完全缺乏理性的。That should be enough. "I was thrilled with the law originally, " Lehr says, "but I didn't see it attempting totally irrational cleanups.

本文提出了浮法玻璃退火窑间接冷却区内传热过程的数值模拟方法。In this paper, a simplified mathematical simulation of heat transfer in indirectly cooling zone of float glass annealing lehr was presented.

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对于迈克身受重伤休养六个月这件事,官方解释为他在冰上滑了一跤。"The official explanation for Mike's extensive injuries which kept him out of work for six months was that he had slipped on ice," Lehr says.

对于迈克身受重伤休养六个月这件事,官方解释为他在冰上滑了一跤。"The official explanation for Mike's extensive injuries which kept him out of work for six months was that he had slipped on ice, " Lehr says.

装甲教导师仍然没有进攻能力,使得“希特勒青年”师在卡昂独自又坚守了一天。The Panzer Lehr Division had still not arrived in strength, leaving the Hitlerjugend Division to hold the line to the west of Caen for another day.

介绍了一种玻璃网带退火炉的设计,它采用了逆向热交换的热回收系统。The principles of a design of a wire belt glassware annealing lehr have been recommended. Heat recovery system by eounterflow heat exchange has been provided.

介绍了玻璃退火炉应用远红外加热技术的经验。缩短了退火时间,提高了退火质量,并且节约了能源。Experience in using far infrared heating technique on glass annealing lehr has been reported. It results in shorter annealing time, better quality and less energy consumption.