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绝望中他抢了银行。In desperation he robbed a bank.

我想展现人们的绝望,I want to show people's desperation

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我不顾一切向攻击者哀求。In desperation I pleaded with the attack ers.

绝望会使你得到的比你应得的要少。Desperation makes you get less than you deserve.

但他的优势常常化成绝望泡影。But his dominance often curdles into desperation.

它带来了恐惧,焦虑和绝望的感觉。It brings a sense of fear, anxiety and desperation.

亚当•桑德勒把我从绝望的情绪中拯救出来。Adam Sandler saved me from my emotional desperation.

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嫉妒和绝望不可避免的转化为敌意。Inevitably, jealousy and desperation turn to enmity.

“跟我走!”他的声音中透着一丝绝望。"Come with me! " His voice has a note of desperation.

他拂袖而去,由于愤怒和绝望而面无人色。He flung out of the room white with anger and desperation.

高额运营成本使小企业走头无路。The high operating costs drive small businesses to desperation.

那些不能生育的准妈妈们的绝望是一言难尽的。The desperation of the infertile would-be mother knows no bounds.

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科比的爆炸是更加完美的绝望比预谋。Bryant's explosion was more out of desperation than premeditation.

看见奶牛场老板绝望的样子,就连克莱尔先生也开始感到悲哀起来。Even Mr Clare began to feel tragical at the dairyman's desperation.

在面试中别表现的过于失望或者挫败。Lose the emotions of "desperation" and "defeat" in your interviews.

多年以来,塔尔萨市从来不缺少贫穷和绝望。Tulsa has seen its share of poverty and desperation over the years.

女性家庭帮佣往往因生计困难而出国找工作。Female domestic workers usually seek work abroad out of desperation.

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土匪头子困兽犹斗,在绝望中向四面八方乱打一气。Like an animal at bay, the bandit chieftain laid about in desperation.

的破坏活动,常发生在粮食不足地区。Disruptions borne of desperation are cropping up in food-deficit areas.

不顾一切地想要得到苹果电脑会造成一些极端的行为。Desperation to get hold of Apple computers can lead to extreme behavior.