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他与一建筑工人订了师徒合同。He is indenture to a builder.

债券持有人并不去阅读契约。people own bonds without reading the indenture.

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以契约约束按契约的规定为另一方服务。To bind into the service of another by indenture.

冒险精神就是契约。我的冒险精神就是你!The Spirit of Adventure is something to indenture.

由于欠地主家的钱,她不得已签了卖身契。She had to sign an indenture to sell herself, because she owed money to the landlord.

高职院校与企业界形成质量契约关系。Finally, higher education institutions have established quality indenture relationship.

合同标志着两个参与者共有契约状态的进入。The contract represents an entrance into a state of mutual indenture of the twoparticipants.

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有35万多人通过借款及签订一种特别债务契约支付了旅费。More than 350,000 of them paid their way by borrowing and singing a unique IOU , an indenture contract.

此后不久,私人机构迅速搜查港口的小客栈和乡下地区,来招募契约仆役。Soon thereafter, private agents scoured the ports taverns, and countryside to sign on workers for indenture.

协议在他二十岁生日的时候到期,届时他会拥有成为全职雇员的资格。The indenture would have terminated on his twentieth birthday, leaving him eligible for full employee status.

通常信用义务的优先权随着负债本质和契约合同的条款而不同。The priorities of general credit obligations vary with the nature of the liability and the terms of indenture contracts.

债券或贷款协议条款,规定若借方对另一项债务责任违约即会被视为对协议中的债务责任违约。A provisions in a bond indenture or loan agreement that puts the borrower in default if the borrower defaults on another obligation.

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根据卖场商品的补货要求,及时打印商品要货单,并安排落实采购。According to the products requirement from the sales plaza, print the products order indenture and arrange purchase information as well.

有一个好东西要给你,这个是今天下午我跟英雄,我们在玩21点,英雄输了,就把你的卖身契还有身份证全交给我了。I have a good thing to give you. This afternoon, hero and i played together, and he lost, and give your indenture and identity card to me.

被截开时,我们每个人仅有一面,就像一条扁扁的鱼,只不过是一个人身上留下一个凹面,他总是在寻找另一半。Each of us when separated, having one side only, like a flat fish, is but the indenture of a man, and he is always looking for his other half.

本文认为预约定价的产生是纳税人和税务机关之间博弈产生的结果,也是契约理论在企业管理过程中的又一次应用。This text consider the APA is the result of the game between the revenues and taxpayers, and is also another implement of the indenture theory.

连带违约债券或贷款协议条款,规定若借方对另一项债务责任违约即会被视为对协议中的债务责任违约。Cross Default A provisions in a bond indenture or loan agreement that puts the borrower in default if the borrower defaults on another obligation.

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再次,论文阐述了农业虚拟研发组织的生命周期,并论述了基于动态网契约的农业虚拟研发组织的运行模式。Thirdly, the paper illustrates the life cycle of agriculture VR&DO and discusses the operating mode of it on the basis of dynamic network indenture.

这些年,国内对他的报道屈指可数,这都是因为在十几年前的一纸“卖身契”。“For the years there have been few stories on him in the domestic media, all because of an indenture he signed to "sell himself" more than a decade ago.

公司债券无抵押债务,只依赖借方信用质量作为支持,并无抵押品,协议属于契约形式。Debenture An unsecured debt backed only by the credit worthiness of the borrower. There is no collateral, and the agreement is documented by an indenture.