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我是中后卫。I was a linebacker.

在最.近一次比赛中,我试图跳跃过一名后卫。In my last match, I tried to leap a linebacker.

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他看上去像一个线之间的地方踢球。He looked like a linebacker among place kickers.

在足球赛中后卫接应前锋。In football the linebacker backs up the linemen.

了解如何阅读本免费视频剪辑作为一个足球后卫播放。Learn how to read the play as a linebacker in this free video clip on football.

西姆斯在效力于阿肯色大学期间曾经担任过线卫和防守端锋。Sims split time between linebacker and defensive end during his career at Arkansas.

了解如何运行球清理此免费视频剪辑作为一个后卫球员足球。Learn how to run the ball to clean up as a linebacker in this free video clip on football.

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我有个名叫吉姆·格雷厄姆的教练,他身高六英尺四,他以前在宾夕法尼亚州立大学打线卫。And I had a coach, Jim Graham, who was six-foot-four, he had played linebacker at PennState.

从紧身裤到如橄榄球中后卫一样的大垫肩,80年代风格并没有销声匿迹。From leggings to linebacker shoulders, the 1980s was the style decade that just wouldn't die.

了解如何打破下来,并做出处理作为这个免费视频剪辑足球后卫。Learn how to break down and make a tackle as a linebacker in this free video clip on football.

他是周六早晨丧生于车祸的达拉斯牛仔队的一名球员。He was a linebacker on the Dallas Cowboys practice-squad who was killed in a car crash early Saturday morning.

这名巴尔的摩乌鸦队的后卫球员表示他很激动,但并不感到生气,因为丑闻已经成为超级碗的必要前奏了。The Baltimore Ravens linebacker says he is agitated but not angry that the story has become part of the Super Bowl-week prelude.

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前南佛罗里达大学足球队队员尼克。斯库勒被卷入该小艇,该游艇归属于奥克兰。雷德后卫马奎斯。库帕。Former University of South Florida football player Nick Schuyler was clinging to an overturned boat that belongs to Oakland Raiders linebacker Marquis Cooper.

此前搜救人员已营救了南佛罗里达大学足球运动员尼克。斯库勒,当时他靠着一只颠覆的船提上,那船属于奥克兰突击者后卫球员马库斯•库珀。That's after crews rescued a fourth man. Former University of South Florida football player Nick Schuyler was clinging to an overturned boat that belongs to Oakland Raiders linebacker Marquis Cooper.