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在这种变幻中,请听虹云的朗诵。Please listen to Hong Yun's recital.

他的小提琴演奏会不受欢迎。His violin recital wasn't box-office.

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独唱会的票都卖完了。Tickets are sold out for the recital.

别担心你的钢琴独奏会。Stop worrying about your piano recital.

下星期她将要举行钢琴独奏会。She is giving a piano recital next week.

你要跟我去听钢琴独奏会吗?Will you come with me to the piano recital?

沙哑的男高音把音乐会搞砸了。The hoarse tenor singer mucked up the recital.

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她为某慈善机构举行一场钢琴独奏会。She gave a piano recital on behalf of a charity.

妳今天有演奏会耶!为什麽你还赖在床上?You have a recital today, why are you still in bed?

学校学务诗歌朗诵及演讲比赛报名截止。Application for poem recital and speech contest due.

克莱门蒂被誉为“现代钢琴演奏之父”。Clementi as the "father of the modern piano recital."

学校学务诗歌朗诵及演讲比赛开始报名。Application for poem recital and speech contest start.

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这位钢琴家以一部肖邦练习曲结束了独奏会。The pianist concluded the recital with a Chopin Etude.

跑到一个诗歌朗诵会上问他们为什么这些诗歌都不压韵?Go To A Poetry Recital And Ask Why The Poems Don't Rhyme?

我很欣赏钢琴独奏会,所有的肖邦程序,在浜离宫朝日大厅。I'm entertained by Piano Recital at Hamarikyu Asahi Hall.

准决赛将履行其演奏前的观众。Semi-finalists will perform their recital before an audience.

进演奏大厅之前,我给了她一个拥抱。Just before we stepped into the recital hall, I gave her a hug.

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我很欣赏“古键琴演奏会”在纪尾井大厅。I'm entertained by Ton Koopman Harpsichord Recital at Kioi Hall.

高兴俱乐部的决定提出的清唱剧在其演奏。The Glee Club decided to present an oratorio during their recital.

还有一位,社团里第二次谋面的学姐,叫我去参加一个朗诵。There is a community, second met her, asked me to go to a recital.