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它说,阿布利亚佐夫的说法是毫无根据、造谣中伤。CNPC said Mr. Ablyazov's claims were 'groundless and libelous.

那本自传的部分内容可能带有诽谤意味。Some of the content of the autobiography was potentially libelous.

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对不起,我们不能发表你写的那篇有关欺骗丑闻的报道,因为它可能构成诽谤。I'm afraid we can't print your story on the fraud scandal, it might be libelous.

她还说,一个正在气头上的员工会发表一些危害公司的言论,或者泄露公司的一些机密。An angry employee could make libelous statements or divulge confidential company information.

链说它发现了4000以上的网上留言含有诽谤索赔包括照片!The chain says it has found upwards of 4,000 messages online containing libelous claims—including photos!

他报纸不断刊登损害皇室名誉的消息已经引起了我们的关注。The libelous stories his paper continues to print about the royal family have become a matter of concern.

熊博士表示互联网公司应该封掉散播谣言或者诽谤他人的用户帐户。Xiong said Internet companies should suspend the accounts of users who spread rumors or libelous statements.

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除经济赔偿之外的另一种做法是颁布禁令,禁止发表被指称诽谤的材料。An alternative to monetary damages is an injunction prohibiting publication of the allegedly libelous material.

精确也非常重要,既是为了服务于公众,也是因为不真实和诽谤性的言论会导致昂贵的法律诉讼费用。Accuracy is important, both to serve the public and because untrue or libelous statements can lead to costly lawsuits.

以前即使符合事实的中伤也受到惩罚,但现在只有与事实不符的陈述才被定义为诽谤。In the past, some libelous communications were punished even if true. Today, however, only false statements can be termed libel.

有诽谤性的煽动性的中伤性的需要被审判的书,在这句话里突然被透露出是有灵魂的。The scandalous, seditious and libelous books that need to be brought to justice in this remarkable sentence are suddenly revealed to have a soul.

一个差不多年纪的男孩认为这个15岁少年的行为充满了恶意和挑衅,于是就在校园里,用枪打爆了他的头。One fellow student viewed this 15 year old's behavior as particularly invasive and libelous and shot him in the head and killed him on the school campus.

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用户不得在信网分类内张贴任何带有错误、不准确、误导或带有诽谤性内容或带有电脑病毒的广告。Users shall not post any advertisement on the Websites which contains any false, inaccurate, misleading or libelous content or contains any computer virus.

所有的文章都是由一个专业的编辑团队进行编辑,从而能够保证发表的文章不含有恶意或中伤他人的内容,也尽可能地减少了错误。All articles are edited by a professional team of editors, so ensuring that the articles contain no malicious or libelous content and as few inaccuracies as possible.

那么,我举个例子,如果一个学生贴了一张诽谤世界新闻组网络的帖子,但我们没有意识到它是具有诽谤性质的,那一旦这条帖子被诉讼,只有这个学生需要承担法律责任。Thus, for example, if a student posts a libelous message to our Usenet server and we never learn of it, the student alone will be liable if the message results in a lawsuit.