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加泰罗尼亚语媒体惊叫着“丑闻!”The Catalan media screamed "scandal!".

它的升级版本是卡塔兰绞喉.This spiked version is known as the Catalan garrote.

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加泰罗尼亚媒体赛后评论说,梅西完全“吃了阿奎罗”。Catalan media said after the match, Messi completely, "A Kuiluo eat."

我现在还与巴塞罗那有合同在身,我还是巴萨球员,我在加泰罗尼亚感觉很好。I subline that my contract with Barcelona and I am fine at the catalan club.

Costa是加泰罗尼亚语和西班牙语单词“海岸”的意思,而布拉瓦意味着“高低不平的”或“天然的”意思。Costa is the Catalan and Spanish word for 'coast' and Brava means 'rugged' or 'wild'.

萨拉·马丁还指出,球队的主导哲学也是独一无二的加泰罗尼亚方式。Sala-i-Martín also points out that the team's guiding philosophy is uniquely Catalan.

去年夏天,加泰罗尼亚地区议会作出了禁止14岁以下儿童参加斗牛活动的决定。Last summer the Catalan regional parliament barred children under 14 from attending bullfights.

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这是前亚拉冈王国的领域,与今天的加泰罗尼亚自治区的领域基本一致。This is the former kingdom of Aragon, mostly identical to the Catalan autonomous areas of nowadays.

根据法国和加泰罗尼亚媒体的报道,何塞。穆里尼奥已经和米兰签下了一份预备合同。According to french and catalan medias, Jose Mourinho has already signed a pre-contract with AC Milan.

另外,俱乐部球衣上没有西班牙国旗的标志,而是使用了与加泰罗尼亚旗帜相同颜色的盾形徽章。Every player's jersey carries, not the Spanish flag, but a shield bearing the colors of the Catalan flag.

同时,巴塞罗那还拒绝了米兰在冬歇期引进儒利亚诺。贝莱蒂的要求。Meanwhile, the Catalan giants have turned down a supposed January Milan offer for defender Juliano Belletti.

现在加泰罗尼亚的动物保护法保护所有动物,但不包括用于斗牛的公牛和马。Currently, Catalan animal protection laws protect all animals except the bulls and horses used in bullfights.

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不过,这位49岁的加泰罗尼亚人并没有做烹饪示范,反而像哲学教授那样讲起了烹调的存在主义本质。Instead, the 49-year-old Catalan pontificated like a philosophy professor on the existential nature of cuisine.

市内多博物馆,有加泰罗尼亚艺术博物馆、毕加索博物馆、历史博物馆、自然博物馆等20余所。The museum has many, Catalan art museum, Picasso museum and the museum of natural history museum, more than 20.

她穿着美丽的迦太罗尼亚渔家女的服装——一件红黑相间的短衫,头发上插着金发针。She wore the picturesque costume of the Catalan fisherwomen, a red and black bodice, and golden pins in her hair.

欧冠决赛结束以后,巴塞将再次求购法布,本周某西班牙报纸报道。Barcelona will bid for Cesc Fabregas the day after the Champions League final, claimed one Catalan paper this week.

1976年正是约翰·托沙克的进球将加泰罗尼亚人的美梦彻底击碎也将红军送入了联盟杯决赛。In 1976 it was John Toshack who broke Catalan hearts with a goal that set the Reds on the road to the UEFA Cup final.

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由著名加泰隆人安东尼奥。高迪修建的奎尔公园,是二十世纪非凡的建筑,浪漫四溢。Park Guell, built by the famed Catalan architect Antoni Gaudi, is an unusual 20th-century park that radiates romance.

自那时起,俱乐部的球场便成为加泰罗尼亚人发表言论和展示文化的殿堂。Since those times, the soccer stadium became a sanctuary where Catalan was spoken and cultural symbols were displayed.

比赛前十分钟,他们让我上加太罗尼亚广播作节目,请我预测一下,谁会在第几分钟进球。They had me on Catalan radio ten minutes before game time, asking me my predictions about who would score in what minute.