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甘露咖啡酒是一种利口酒。Kahlua is a kind of liqueur.

它也是药酒的调味品。It is also flavoring Cointreau liqueur.

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这种酒虽浓但还是太酸。The liqueur is strong but too sour yet.

这是一种法国产的杨梅甜酒。Framboise is a French raspberry liqueur.

这是一种接骨木桨果酿造的甜酒。A liqueur flavored with elderberry berries.

胡椒、薄荷味利口酒。A peppermint and cinnamon flavoured liqueur.

可用任何鸡尾酒加冰屑。Any cocktail or liqueur served over shaved ice.

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您要不要来点利口酒来结束这餐饭?Would you like a Liqueur to complete your meal?

要不要点利口酒来结束这顿饭?Would you like a liqueur to complete your meal?

左边是樱桃酒,右边是山茱萸酒。Cherry liqueur on the left, cornel – on the right!

甘露咖啡力娇酒的原料之一就是咖啡豆。Kahlua liqueur coffee beans is one of raw materials.

黑樱桃、黑巧克力与樱桃酒的喷鼻气颇为诱人。Black cherry, dark chocolate and cherry liqueur on the nose.

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这种芬芳的烈性酒受许多调酒师的追捧。The flowery liqueur has become a favorite of many bartenders.

茴芹种子利口酒,有欧亚甘草味。A liqueur flavoured with anise seed, giving a licorice flavour.

结果我无法忍受这种希腊烈酒的气味。And as a result I cannot abide the smell of that Greek liqueur.

谢谢。您要不要来点利口酒来竣事这餐饭。Thank you, sir. Would you like a liqueur to complete your meal?

把初期酒倒进平底锅并加入糖浆。We pour the primary liqueur into a pan and add the syrup there.

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这些花通常是被用来制作接骨木莓花酒和苏打。The flowers are used mainly for making elderflower liqueur and soda.

这种著名的采用咖啡豆和甘蔗蒸馏酒酿造的墨西哥甜酒叫什么名字?This famous Mexican liqueur is made from coffee beans and cane spirits.

加热朗姆酒,牛奶和奶油。倒入杯子加少量樱桃力娇酒。Heat up Rum, milk and cream. Pour into the glass and add Cherry Liqueur.