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首先,挑一个任务。First, pick a task.

任务紧迫。The task is urgent.

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这是一项光荣的任务。It's a task of glory.

任务火急。The task is pressing.

我们从任务A1开始。We start with Task A1.

你的任务并不容易。Your task is not easy.

让学生明确任务。Learn what the task is.

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缩短你的任务列表。Shorten your task list.

这项任务使她受到了限制。The task ties her down.

这是一项非常棘手的工作。This is an augean task.

他将担负那工作。He'll shoulder the task.

这是个堂吉诃德式的任务吗?Is this a quixotic task?

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安康是一辈子的任务。Ankang is a lifelong task.

人生是一项要完成的任务。Life is a task to be done.

制定生产任务单。Make productive task form.

右键单击该本地任务。Right-click the local task.

那可简化了我的工作。That will simplify my task.

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但是他们完全能胜任这项工作了么?But are they up to the task?

DNF远古腰带任务怎样做?DNF ancient belt task to do?

他轻松的完成了任务。He breezed through the task.