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利库德集团和哈马斯也不会。Nor are Likud and Hamas.

利库德集团领导的政府将使耶路撒冷在以色列的主权下继续统一。And the government of Likud will keep Jerusalem united under Israeli sovereignty," Netanyahu said.

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他们说,他们的首相已向外界夸张地形容了利库德集团中移民的愤怒和不安。They say the prime minister has theatrically played up the settlers’ fury and unrest in the Likud.

但是,以色列内阁部长、执政党利库德集团的施泰尼茨说,以色列的立场是明确的。But Israeli Cabinet Minister Yuval Steinitz of the ruling Likud Party said Israel's position is clear.

以色列利库德党领导人本杰明•内塔尼亚胡拥有六周时间组建该国下一政府。The leader of the Likud Party in Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, has six weeks to form the country's next government.

内塔尼亚胡的右翼利库德集团内阁部长吉拉德·埃尔丹说,以什么代价都不能释放恐怖分子。Cabinet Minister Gilad Erdan of Mr. Netanyahu's right-wing Likud party says terrorists cannot be freed at any price.

本周本亚明•内塔尼亚胡正式上任为国家总理,他所在的右翼利库德集团已27个席位次之。This week Binyamin Netanyahu, whose right-wing Likud came second with 27 seats, was formally installed as prime minister.

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进行这次选举的主要忧虑是安全问题,民意调查显示强硬派候选人内塔尼亚胡及其利库德党居领先地位。With security as a major concern in the elections, polls have hardliner Benjamin Netanyahu and his Likud party in the lead.

“新的美国政府提出让我们放弃耶路撒冷的方案真是令人难以接受,”这位利库德政客说道。"The new U.S. administration informs us with intolerably ease that we have to give up Jerusalem, " the Likud politician said.

当利库德集团总部的巨大屏幕上闪现民意测验的电视报道时,党派活动家们欢呼雀跃,为此庆祝。As news of the television exit polls flashed on the giant screen at Likud headquarters, partying activists cheered and celebrated it.

而很多工会成员则力劝巴拉克把他的政党从内塔尼亚胡旗下右翼利库德集团领导的执政联盟撤回。Many Labour members have urged Mr Barak to withdraw his party from the ruling coalition led by Mr Netanyahu's right-wing Likud party.

她和她核心集团的很多人都是在利库德集团内被提拔上来的,他们和沙龙先生一起离开了利库德,同意巴勒斯坦建国权。She and many in her circle were raised in the Likud. They moved with Mr Sharon to an acceptance of the Palestinians’ right to statehood.

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穆瓦亚尔是采取强硬立场的利库德党的成员。他发出的呼吁和他以往的立场不一样。穆瓦亚尔过去一直呼吁以色列军队入侵加沙地带,从而结束火箭袭击。It was an about-face for Moyal, a member of the hawkish Likud Party, who has been calling for the army to invade Gaza to end the rocket attacks.

星期二选举的两名主要候选人是右翼利库德党的内塔尼亚胡,和中间派执政党前进党的利夫尼。The two main candidates in Tuesday's elections are the right-wing Likud Party's Benjamin Netanyahu and the ruling centrist Kadima party's Tzipi Livni.

参加完记者招待会和与特拉维夫的以色列青年学生的一场问答交流会后,我会见了利库德集团领导人本雅明·内塔尼亚胡。After the press conference and a question-and-answer session with young Israeli students in Tel Aviv, I met with the Likud Party leader, Benjamin Netanyahu.

他为对抗利库德集团兵变建立的前进党,虽然只是个新生的中立党,却本可以在即将来临的大选中轻松获胜。He had reacted to a mutiny from his Likud party by creating a brand-new centrist party, Kadima, which was expected easily to win the forthcoming general election.

不过,内塔尼亚胡所在的利库德党的忠实者极力反对,现任联盟中的其他利库德盟友,如右翼宗教党派也不赞同。But they are hardly the vision of Mr Netanyahu's Likud Party loyalists or of the other rightist and religious parties allied to the Likud in the present coalition.

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考虑到右翼集团在国会中占据的多数席位,利库德党在已经如火如荼进行中的政治斗争中好像将面临更加光明的内阁重组前景。In light of the right-wing bloc's majority, Likud appears to face a brighter cabinet-making picture in the expectable intense political jockeying that is already underway.

选后测验显示,由利夫尼领导的前进党稍微领先于前总理本杰明·内塔尼亚胡领导的右翼鹰派。Exit polls suggest that the centralist Kadima party led by Tzipi Livni is narrowly ahead of the centre-right Likud party led by the former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

虽然内塔尼亚胡暂时支持和谈以作为缓兵之计,但他所领导的利库德集团却希望将巴勒斯坦土地收归以色列国所有。Despite Netanyahu's momentary, tactical enthusiasm for peace talks, his Likud Party has always favored the de facto incorporation of Palestinian lands into the state of Israel.