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肥胖的人乘飞机要多交钱!Obese flyers need to pay more!

肥胖和健康可以兼而有之吗Can you be both obese and healthy?

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以上的常常是肥胖的。Those over the 95th are usually obese.

健康型肥胖人员是否应该减肥呢?Should healthy obese people lose weight?

肥胖儿的确有发生动脉粥样硬化的危险。Obese children are at risk to atherosclerosis.

大约7250万美国成年人肥胖。Approximately 72.5 million U.S. adults are obese.

肥胖的孩子有可能成能把肥胖延续到成年。Obese kids are also likely to become obese adults.

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外向的女人肥胖的几率是内向的女人的1.53倍。Extrovert women were 1.53 times as likely to be obese.

至少,一般而言,任何人都不应该变成胖子。In principle, atleast, no one should ever become obese.

疾病防治中心指出,近三分之一的美国成年人处于过肥胖状态。The CDC indicates that a third of U.S. adults are obese.

当BMI大于40时就可认为是病态的肥胖。A person with a BMI of oer 40 is considered morbidly obese.

同时,超过四分之一的人属于肥胖。Meanwhile, more than one-in-four of us is considered obese.

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当BMI大于40时就可认为是病态的肥胖。A person with a BMI of over 40 is considered morbidly obese.

这样就可能把胖的孩子也误诊为性早熟。That might lead obese kids to be prematurely termed pubertal.

体重过重或身体肥胖对健康具有严重影响。Being overweight or obese can have a serious impact on health.

BMI超过30就被认为是肥胖,25到29.9之间为超重。A BMI over 30 is considered obese and 25 to 29.9 is overweight.

胖人更可能请病假。Obese people are more likely to take time off owing to illness.

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在这篇报道中未提到的变胖的因素是?。Which factor of becoming obese is not mentioned in this report?

肥胖骑车者们能报名参加纽约新的自行车共享方案吗?Can obese cyclists sign up for the city's new bike-share program?

当今美国大约三分之一的成年人患有肥胖症。In the United States today, around one-third of adults are obese.