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将你的压力“嗡嗡”走。Hum your stress away.

消除交流哼声。Elimination of AC hum.

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舞会的气氛开始活跃起来了。The air of the ball began to hum.

请同时吹口哨又哼歌。Whistle and hum at the same time.

为了群鸟的歌唱,为了蜂群的嗡声,。For song of birds, for hum of bees.

听,小鸟枝头哼小曲!Listen, the bird branches hum ditty!

下面的游客发出不和谐的嗡嗡声。The discordant hum of tourists below.

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别支支吾吾的,快亮明你的观点。Don't hum and haw, but air your views.

到处是一片小虫的催眠似的嗡嗡声。All around was a drowsy hum of insects.

当园子里的蜜蜂轻哼著摇篮曲。While bees in gardens hum the lullabies.

詹妮在轮胎摩擦路面的“嗡嗡”声中醒来。Jenni woke to the steady hum of the road.

没有人可以用哼歌来吸引他的注意。No one can hum him to draw his attention.

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现在我放cd盘,你一边呼,一边用脚打拍子了。Now when I play CDs, you hum and tap your feet.

呃……嗯……,因为它就只是吸收水分。Uh hum. Because then it just soaks up moisture.

回来的路上,她絮絮叨叨地跟我说了很多。On the way back, she told me a lot of hum about.

别忘了,是谁要带你们去春游的,嗯?Remember, who agree you this siring outing, hum?

你不可以哼曲子或者有任何形式的嘟囔。You may no longer hum or do any form of beadwork.

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唱出或哼出任何能够让你振奋或鼓舞的歌曲。Sing or hum any song that uplifts or inspires you.

远处传来低沉的声音,汇聚成一片嘈杂。A low rustle sounded faraway and gathered to a hum.

灯丝结构本身所产生的HUM。Hum produced from within the filamentary structure.