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官方正在努力稳定他们,只是在最近的劳工争端上没有特别的评论。Officials are now trying to pacify them.

“债券市场保卫团”却不容易上钩。Bond vigilantes, however, are not easy to pacify.

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快哄哄孩子,他哭了好几个钟头了。Try to pacify the child, he's been crying for hours.

为了使她平静下来,我就将窗子打开了几秒钟。To pacify her, I held the casement ajar a few seconds.

她知道他已经神志昏迷起来了,极力想使他镇静下来。She knew that he had become delirious, and tried to pacify him.

抗敏温和配方,镇静安抚。Anti-sensitive the equanimity of gentle formulation, town pacify.

它可以和同理心一起,去帮助我们保持平静的心态。It goes hand in hand with empathy, and helps to pacify relations.

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所以不要去和它做对,去学习平静这种强大的情绪。So instead trying to attack it, learn to pacify this powerful emotion.

并能抗沮丧、安抚情绪、消除紧张,赋予活力。Anti-depression, pacify emotions, eliminate pressure, and give vitality.

延平这心刚平定下来,刘敏又从上海回来了。Delay flat this heart just pacify down, LiuMin and coming back from Shanghai.

为了抚慰你的小心灵,我亲爱的宠物宝宝们,我已经把下列信息贴在咱家大门口。To pacify you, my dear pets, I have posted the following message on our front door.

魔御邪将吓到了小狐狸抱在怀里安抚。Is evil to resist evil ambition horrify small fox to embrace to pacify in the breast.

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在公元后225年,著名的政治家诸葛亮率领三路纵军进入云南,以平定各部落。In AD 225, the famed statesman Zhuge Liang led three columns into Yunnan to pacify the tribes.

挺尸式休息术里除了要使肢体安静下来,平静感官也是必要的。In addition to quieting the physical body in Savasana, it's also necessary to pacify the sense organs.

对强烈要吸吮的孩子可选用安抚奶嘴,以满足其吸吮的需要。Sucking on strong to pacify the children may choose to use pacifiers , sucking in order to meet their needs.

梅夫人在军事上还担任他的参谋,教他如何与野蛮部落打交道以及如何安抚他们。Lady Mei also gave him strategic military advice about ways to deal with the'barbarian tribes' and pacify them.

在年幼、美丽的珠儿身上,和那满脸皱纹的老妖婆一样,准有一种超自然的力量。要是你爱我,就让她安静下来吧!In Pearl's young beauty, as in the wrinkled witch, it has a preternatural effect. Pacify her, if thou lovest Me.

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音乐有着抚慰粗野的胸怀、软化顽石或使千年老树弯腰的魅力。Music is so glamorous that it can pacify a coarse mind, soften rough stones or make a thousand-year-old tree bow.

而柚木、竹子、孔石和花岗岩等材料的巧妙运用,更让饭店充满当代艺术感,教人心境宁静平和。And the use of teak, bamboo, travertine and granite give it a contemporary artistic feel that helps pacify the mind.

这个吊坠是用来平息木星的邪恶的作用,还是要加强这方面的星球星座。This Pendants is used to pacify the malefic effects of Planet Jupiter or to strengthen this planet in ones Horoscope.