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没有人知道神隐而未现的旨意。No one can know God's hidden and unrevealed will.

母亲怀着一个不便倾述的遗憾离去了,这是毋庸置疑的。Mother had gone with an unrevealed regret in heart, this was doubtless.

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我说它还没有被显示,因为你们当然无法将史宾诺莎翻译成为佛洛伊德。I say unrevealed because of course you cannot translate Spinoza into Freud.

它们揭示的是固定在过去的某一个感受和经历的时刻。They fix moments in the past in which what was really felt and experienced is unrevealed.

我们确信神具有主权,没有人能改变他那隐而未现的旨意。However, we can know with certainty that God is sovereign and no one can change his unrevealed plan for us.

吸血鬼们是少数的,是暗处隐藏着的危机,他们在食物金字塔的最顶端。So the vampires wanted to remain the hidden, unrevealed minority, on the top of the food pyramid and all that.

他以前以各种未透露的身份电曾和这一类人接触过,但每次总有一层无形的铁丝网隔在中间。In various unrevealed capacities he had come in contact with such people, but always with indiscernible barbed wire between.

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我很惊讶当他进行到背景的时候用对比十分强烈的纯蓝色,但我看的只是一片漆黑。I recall my astonishment when he went into the background with a most brilliant pure blue where I had seen only unrevealed darkness.

我和你在黑暗中漫步。身虽近但心已远。阴影在笑著而秘密还没揭露。我须知你的心路。You and i moving in the dark. bodies close but souls apart. shadowed smiles and secrets unrevealed. i need to know the way you feel.

我和你在黑暗中漫步。身虽近但心已远。阴影在笑着而秘密还没揭露。我须知你的心路。You and I moving in the dark. Bodies close but souls apart. Shadowed smiles and secrets unrevealed . I need to know the way you feel.

当然,不使用真名实姓也为一些别有用心的人开了一扇方便之门。Of course, it also inevitably opens the door to those who try to find some fantasy on line due to the convenience of unrevealed identity.

所有信件都因年代久远而变得很容易损坏,我一封封的打开,于是我发现了我父母生命的私人篇章里未曾被人知悉的新的一页。As I opened each letter, all of them delicate with age, I discovered a new and previously unrevealed page in this private chapter of my parents' lives.

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我的好奇心促使我去探究那些未被揭开的悬念,因为我相信一个动荡的年代中发生的动荡的事情会解析很多这个平稳和谐社会中成长的人们心中的很多疑问。My curiosity drives me to dig out those unrevealed suspenses , cuz I simply believe that it might explain many questions of us who grew up in the peaceful years.