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合力叉车已经将他们的叉车远销至40馀个国家。Heli exports forklift trucks to over 40 countries.

他需要用铲车把这颗南瓜载到官方称重地点称重。He needed a forklift truck to carry it to the official weighing.

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适合于堆高机及叉车的操作使用。It's suitable for operation of pile high machine and forklift truck.

适合于堆高机及叉车的操作使用。It?s suitable for operation of pile high machine and forklift truck.

内燃平衡重式叉车是小型起重机械的一种。Internal combustion counterbalanced forklift trucks as a small crane.

叉车是装卸货物时的一种非常方便的装置。Forklift truck is very convenient equipment for loading and unloading goods.

本课题以矿用胶轮铲车为研究对象。This subject regards Mine-used rubber-tired forklift as the research object.

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杨世荣曾一度说服师伟科离开煤矿去学开铲车。At one point he persuaded his nephew to quit and learn to operate a forklift.

仓库铲车司机驾驶有安全防护栏的铲车作业时可通过该过道。Forklift drivers with warehouse forklift job security fence through the aisles.

经授权操作叉车的人员须接受过有关工作的安全培训。The authorized forklift operator should have received forklift safety training.

BFC型号有悬臂行动车和吊动行动车,不需要叉车。BFC Models feature cantilevered hoist and trolley for loading without a forklift.

评判结果表明,轮轨式钩缓拆装机优于叉车式钩缓拆装机。The results show that the wheel-rail style is better than the forklift style one.

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第一张图片是我和爸爸站在卡车上迎接刚刚从悉尼运来的贵公司的叉车。The first photo is Dad and I on our truck when we got the forklift home from Sydney.

安翎公司是世界优秀品牌皇冠叉车的授权代理商。Auslin is an authorized dealer for one of the top world class forklifts Crown forklift.

使用上的石板材叉车透露刻在石头底下的一个象征。Use the FORKLIFT on the stone plate to reveal a symbol engraved in the stone underneath.

“啊,传统的装卸设备,”一个人唐突地咕哝着。“啊,传统的铲车”“Ah, the traditional loader,” one man mumbled irreverently. “Ah, the traditional forklift.”

有外企工作经验者优先。有铲车证尤佳。Having work experience in foreign company is preferred. With forklift drive license is great.

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长锦叉车地处江苏省靖江市经济开发区内,公司建筑面积12万平方米。Sinolift Forklift is located in economic development zone of Jingjiang city, Jiangsu province.

工人上岗证,如电梯工、起重机械操作工及铲車司机等。Operator Certificate such as Lift Operator, Lifting Appliance Operator and Forklift Driver, etc.

各种条件的日益成熟强劲地推动了我国叉车行业的快速发展。Increasingly mature various terms push sturdily the rapid development of China forklift industry.