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伴娘身着杏黄色和白色相间的透明硬纱礼服。The bridesmaids wore apricot and white organza.

磨光和发亮的材料,色丁和薄纱。Polish and bright materials iridescent satin and organza.

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面料主要采用丝绸、薄纱、双面透明硬纱和刺绣的皮革。The fabrics used in this collection are silk, sheer fabrics, double organza and embroidered leather.

内搭一件刺绣欧根纱T恤,粉嫩的色彩与外套的紫粉色刚好里外呼应。Matching a embroidered organza T-shirt internally, the color inside matches well with the color of coat.

为了达到散射LED灯光的效果,“银河系礼服”使用了四层真丝雪纺和一层折叠纱衬裙。To diffuse the LED light, the dress has four layers of silk chiffon and a pleated silk organza crinoline skirt.

胸前一个红闪闪的心,代表你所有的爱意,是情人节的最佳礼物哦!With a red organza ribbon and a sweet stuffed heart, the "Message for You Bear" is the perfect Valentine's gift!

在接待宾客时,卡戴珊换成了美人鱼造型的纱裙,裙上透明硬纱的花叶点缀。"For the reception Kim then changed into sort of a mermaid dress with organza leaves, petals on the skirt, " Dam said.

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礼服都是用奢华的面料比如嵌有水晶的水洗欧根纱、罗缎和缎带等精心制作的。Dresses are crafted from luxurious fabrics such as washed organza embroidered with crystals, grosgrain andsatin ribbons.

其实缎带、透明硬纱或者罗缎带也是可以试试的——说不定搭配起来以后你会发现这种组合也还不错哦。Give satin, organza or grosgrain ribbon a try. You might discover you actually like the combination once you see it paired.

这件红色丝质刺绣的薄纱花边裙看起来浪漫又复古。The embroidered red silk organza illusion cap sleeve gown with tulle ruffle skirt is both romantic and dramatic in equal parts.

请看上身欧根纱褶边的区域,纱的褶边到了腰线部位。而纵向接缝也显示在上面的纱褶边这一区域。Please inspect the upper area of organza ruffles that meet with waistline. Vertical seams are showing on organza ruffles in this upper area.

点缀了黑色条纹状花瓣图案的红绸纱礼服,表达了对来访的中国领导人的敬意。The red silk organza dress, with a streaky print of black petals, invited the suggestion that the color was chosen in honor of the Chinese leader.

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或她提供了一个简单的全市统一,透明硬纱衬衫,轻轻起伏舒展大量的平板楔跟鞋带凉鞋穿裙子。Or she offered up a simple city uniform of organza shirts over gently undulating skirts worn with stretch band sandals on substantial flat-wedge heels.

白色礼服可能看起来会有一层协调的刺绣覆盖在透明硬纱,或者它也可能是华丽到像是编织品缝制到衣服上一样。This could possibly be a white outfit that has an organza overlay of coordinating embroidery, or perhaps it would be something as fancy as a crocheted panel added to the outfit as well.