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有关节炎者。You have arthritis.

关节炎把她折腾得够呛。Her arthritis troubles her greatly.

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关节炎使她手指变形了。Arthritis had distorted her fingers.

关节炎歧视妇女。Arthritis discriminates against women.

她的关节炎每到冷天就发作。Her arthritis kicks up in cold weather.

观察滑石对关节炎效能。To observe talcum's effect on arthritis.

这种关节炎称为银屑病关节炎。This arthritis is called psoriatic arthritis.

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她有关节炎,手指扭曲,很不灵便。Her fingers are clumsy, twisted with arthritis.

预防偏头痛、痛经和关节炎痛。Prevent migraine, dysmenorrhea and arthritis pain.

髋关节炎常和腰椎关节炎伴发。Arthritis often coexists in the hip and lumbar spine.

类风湿性关节炎属于中医痹症范畴。Chinese arthralgia syndrome areas of rheumatoid arthritis.

年轻时肥胖会增加罹患牛皮癣关节炎的比率。Obesity as Young Adult May Boost Psoriatic Arthritis Risk.

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关节炎的一些病例对于没有面筋的饮食是有反应的。Some cases of the arthritis respond to a gluten-free diet.

黑升麻常用于关节炎和骨质疏松症。It will be effective for the arthritis and the osteoporosis.

大约有五分之一的成年人患有关节炎或慢性关节痛。About one in five adults has arthritis or chronic joint pain.

从那以后我就坚持服用诺丽果浆,我的关节炎也成了历史。I have taken noni juice ever since and my arthritis is history.

目的改进急性化脓性关节炎的治疗方法。Objective To improve the treatment of acute pyogenic arthritis.

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寻常型、关节病型、脓庖型、红皮病型。Psoriatic arthritis unusual points pus this type erythrodermic.

排除标准之前,治疗炎症性关节炎。Exclusion criteria were prior treatment and inflammatory arthritis.

民间多用来治疗各种风湿及类风湿性关节炎。In the folk, the drug is used to cure variety rheumatoid arthritis.