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他遇见了胡椒。He met Pepper.

他偿付了债务。He met his debts.

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我初遇你的那天。The day I met you.

我在一家酒吧遇到的她。I met her in a bar.

然后我遇见了我方今的妻子。Then I met my wife.

我们在你的酒吧里见过。We met at your bar.

我见过她一次。I have met her once.

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第一次认识张新民,是在2001年。I met Xinmin in 2001.

所以你从没有见过他?So you never met him?

他在一个派对上遇见了她。He met her at a party.

我一个月前见过她。I met her a month ago.

我遇见她纯属偶然。I met her by accident.

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你见过我的姐姐了吗?Have you met my sister?

他大胆回应她的凝视。He met her gaze boldly.

我只见过他一次。I've met her only once.

迈达斯国王碰见了一个精灵。King Midas met a genie.

他在园林里遇到了莉莎。He met Liza in his park.

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他遇上一场倾盆大雨。He met a drench of rain.

也就是在那里我认识了尼尔。It was there I met Neil.

客岁的炎天我碰到一个男孩。Last summer I met a boy.