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油系统的油清洗。Flushing L. O. sytem of stern tube.

滑油日用系统注油清洗完毕。Flushing L. O. system of stern tube.

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小姑娘小脸红扑扑的很可爱。The little girl is so lovely with flushing face.

缓慢的流速足以防止还原剂的散失。A low rate is enough to prevent flushing of reductants.

当火车到Flushing的时候请通知我好吗?Would you let me know when the train comes to Flushing?

不用水冲,而是改用一种干燥物质冲洗。Instead of flushing with water, you use a dry substance.

甲板冲洗管系密性试验。Deck flushing piping system to be doneair-tightness test.

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确保冲厕设备运行正常。Ensure normal operation of the flushing toilet equipment.

最常见的症状是发冷,颜面潮红。The most common symptoms were chills and facial flushing.

我可以依稀听到些嘈杂的声音,水流声,冲厕所的声音。I could hear little noises, water running, toilet flushing.

罗斯托夫面红耳赤,把多洛霍夫喊到另一间房里。Rostov flushing hotly drew Dolohov away into the other room.

由于坡水引起的冲刷,则需修建截流沟。For flushing canal by slop runoff, must build the cut off ditch.

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拟改为冲水式厕所的乡村旱厕初步地点。Locations of Aqua Privies to be Converted into Flushing Toilets.

表格烟酸称为烟酰胺原因很少或根本没有冲洗。A form of niacin called niacinamide causes little or no flushing.

真是世界之大无奇不有啊,晚上10点以后在瑞士公寓使用卫生间冲水马桶是违法行为。Bizarrely, flushing the toilet in a Swiss apartment is illegal after 10pm.

当用水冲洗时,用葡萄糖酸钙凝胶按摩皮肤。Calcium gluconate gel can be massaged into skin while flushing with water.

他纵马上了山坡,放起猎鹰,从林中赶了一对黄兔出来。In the woods, Pingzhi Lin let go his falcon, flushing a pair of rabbits out.

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冲洗阀出现进水端连接螺母纵向断裂。The longitudinal fracture arosed in connecting nut for inlet flushing valve.

在法拉盛下城逛一逛,人们会发现余钿崧所说基本没错。Take a walk around downtown Flushing and Mr. Yu appears to be mostly correct.

但冲水式厕所在贫民窟里不太实际,那里只有雨水才能起冲刷作用。But a flush loo is no option in slums where rain is the only form of flushing.