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阿拉斯加狭鳕鱼片,单冻,分层,块冻。Alaska Pollock fillets IQF, interleaved, Block.

我们的确正在看到这种局面。We are indeed already seeing that," said Pollock.

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波洛克驾驶的是一辆奥兹莫比尔敞篷车。The car was an Oldsmobile convertible driven by Pollock.

如果说她是那个天真烂漫的小姑娘,波洛克就是那个笨头笨脑的小伙子。If she was the naive girl, Guy Pollock was the clumsy boy.

她说,新鲜鳕鱼已经从她的餐馆菜单里删掉了。She says fresh pollock is definitely off her restaurant’s menu.

美国画家杰克森波洛克于1956年死于一场单车车祸中。American painter Jackson Pollock died in a single car crash, in 1956.

杰克逊波洛克帮助创建称为抽象表现主义艺术运动。Jackson Pollock helped create the art movement called Abstract Expressionism.

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“这些经历过早年压力的老鼠无法像正常老鼠一样进行良好的适应,”波洛克博士说。"They cannot adapt to stress as well as a normal animal does," Dr. Pollock said.

育空河沿岸居民认为他们知道谁该为此负责,那就是鳕鱼业。People living along the Yukon River think they know what is to blame -- pollock fishery.

很显然,魏在运笔上和波洛克是不同的。It is evident that the control of Wei's brush functions differently from that of Pollock.

1956年,时代杂志称普乐“杰克的滴头”作为其独特的绘画风格的结果。In 1956, Time magazine dubbed Pollock "Jack the Dripper" as a result of his unique painting style.

夏季鄂霍茨克海公海区狭鳕渔场环境特征。Environmental characteristic of walleye pollock fishing ground in high seas of the okhotsk sea in summer.

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杰克逊•波洛克的绘画是从具像开始的,如人物和动物。When he first began painting, Jackson Pollock painted representational objects such as people and animals.

将军说“欢迎加入,”,之后他走回接近波洛克的位置并观察起这位亚洲人。“Welcome aboard, ” said the general before he walked back to his spot next to Pollock and surveyed the men.

在画作拥有者的帮助下,比罗已经从波洛克在世的后代那里获取了DNA样本。With the help of the owners of the paintings, Biro had obtained a DNA sample from a living descendant of Pollock.

检测结果表明画上的丙烯酸乳液,没有记载曾在波洛克的画上出现过。The test indicated the presence of acrylic emulsion—the kind of paint that has not been documented in a Pollock painting.

波洛克是显著的美国风格,他的主题是美国的大理念,自由——他绘画时像一名即兴演奏的爵士音乐家。Pollock is unambiguously American and his theme is freedom, the big American idea – he paints like a jazz musician improvising.

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他说他同样收集了卡在波洛克画室地板上,已经干枯的毛发,和疑似波洛克作品上的毛发。He said that he had also removed hairs trapped in the dried paint on Pollock’s studio floor and on other potential Pollock paintings.

牛津大学,化工教授、组织工程与生物加工中心主任,教授。Experts of UK Z. F. CUI Donald Pollock Professor of Chemical Engineering, Director, Oxford Centre for Tissue Engineering and Bioprocessing.

一个四岁的小女孩凭借自己的油画作品震惊了整个纽约艺术界,人们把她的画和杰克逊•波洛克和瓦西里•康定斯基的作品相提并论。A four-year-old girl is wowing the New York art world with paintings that are drawing comparisons with Jackson Pollock and Wassily Kandinsky.