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海上拖航合同应当书面订立。Article 156 A contract of sea towage shall be made in writing.

实船计算结果表明拖航时的装载方案是影响应力大小的重要因素。The factual result indicates the influence of loading project is prodigious in the course of towage.

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电力拖动自动控制系统是电气工程及其自动化专业的一门选修课程。Electrical towage automatic control system is an elective course of electrical engineering and automation.

海上拖航合同已有一百多年的历史,但是各国规范海上拖航合同的法律却相当匮乏。Towage contract on sea has a history of more than one hundred of years, but there is serious lack of laws of it.

本章规定不适用于在港区内对船舶提供的拖轮服务。The provisions of this Chapter shall not be applicable to the towage service rendered to ships within the port area.

本证书仅涉及上述拖轮和平台在本次远洋拖航中的适航性。This Certificate is related only to the seaworthiness of the above-mentioned tugboat and platform for this ocean towage.

公司主要从事近海石油工程、海洋工程服务、劳务输出、远洋拖轮、沉船打捞业务。Our business includes offshore oil engineering, marine project management , labor export, ocean towage and wreck salvage service.

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另有3200匹以上拖轮5艘,总拖力20400匹,主要在粤东沿海港口开展拖轮作业。The Company also owns 5 tugs , each 3200 BHP at least, total 20400 BHP engaging in port towage operation in Eastern Guangdong Province.

按照中国船级社规范,当浮船坞处于拖航状态时必须进行浮船坞的弯扭强度计算。According to the rules of CCS, it is necessary to calculate the overall bending and torsion strength when the floating dock is in the course of towage.

她们在内陆水域和海洋上的广泛应用,使海上拖航合同成为了一种不容忽视的海商合同。That they are used widely on inland waterways and the open seas makes towage contract on sea become a kind of maritime contract that couldn' t be ignored.

作为一种海上作业,海上拖航同样也面临海上风险,这种风险常因为它特殊的作业方式而提高,从而危及海上人身财产安全。Sea towage faces the same sea perils as other marine services. The special operating mode makes its performance more risky, which endangers lives and properties at sea as well.

随着海洋石油开发事业的兴起,海上钻井平台的拖航业务迅速发展,拖航作业受到越来越多的关注与重视。With the rise of offshore oil development projects, drilling platforms in sea towage operations have been developed rapidly, and towing operation has attracted more concern and attention.

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载运爆炸品、放射性物品、有机过氧化物、闪点28℃以下易燃液体和液化气的船,不得与其他驳船混合编队拖带。A vessel carrying explosives, radioactive articles, organic peroxides , flammable liquid whose flash point is below 28℃ or liquefied gas shall not be mixed with other barges for towage in a queue.

如何确定海上拖航中损害赔偿责任的划分和承担,对于及时解决纠纷、保障海上拖航的安全、促进海上拖航业的发展都有重要意义。Therefore, it is vital to clarify the rules of determining and dividing liabilities so that we can settle disputes in time, increase the safety of towage and promote the development of sea towage.