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现在,他在亚琛工业大学教授若干门课程。He is giving several courses at RWTH Aachen University.

“可是,这”彩排“并不顺利。拜仁上周六以1-0输给了亚琛。Bayern lost Saturday's Bundesliga match 1-0 to Aachen at the Tivoli.

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亚琛汽车工业年会是欧洲最富盛名的汽车及发动机技术会议。The Aachen Colloquium is Europe's most visited conference on Automobile and Engine Technology.

6月2日,我和吉哈德·施罗德一同前往古城亚琛接受查理大帝奖。On June 2, I went with Gerhard Schroeder to the ancient city of Aachen to receive the Charlemagne Prize.

在巴黎期间肖邦做了多次访问,1834年,他和席勒共同访问了在亚琛举行的的莱茵河畔音乐节。In Paris during the visit, Chopin did him in 1834, Schiller and common visited in aachen the Rhine held festivals.

德国西部中心的一座城市,位于亚琛东北部,该地是一个采煤区的加工中心。人口52,8'9。A city of west-central Germany northeast of Aachen. It is an industrial center in a coal-mining area. Population, 52,8'9.

他们把马棚设在查理曼陵墓旁,借此来侮辱几年前在亚琛大教堂去世的查理曼。As a final insult they stabled their horses by the tomb of charlemagne--dead only a few years--in the cathedral of aachen.

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沿着德比边境占地大约五十平方英里,其位于亚琛、蒙绍和杜伦组成的三角轮廓内。Roughly fifty square miles it sat along the german-belgian border within a triangle outlined by aachen monschau and duren.

沙皇俄国倒是非常像查理曼帝国,即公元800年在亚琛加冕称王的查理曼帝国The Russian empire was rather like Charlemagne's empire in 800 in the coronation at Aachen or Aix-la-Chapelle and all of that.

难以去评论拜仁的运气,他们耀眼的淘汰了皇家马德里缺失望的输给了比勒菲尔德,亚琛和多特蒙德。It's hard to rate Bayern's chances. The team shone against Real Madrid but disappointed against Bielefeld, Aachen and Dortmund.

斯特利尔先生是宁波工程学院和亚琛应用科学大学友好交流的开拓者。Strehl is the pioneer who started the friendly exchange between Ningbo University of Technology and Aachen University of Applied Science.

另外一种新的设备也正在由德国Aachen大学的生物医学工程的科学家们开发之中。Another device is being developed by scientists at the Helmholtz-Institute for Biomedical Engineering at the University of Aachen in Germany.

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身处在德,比,荷边境的优越地理环境赋予了亚琛十足的国际气息。而如今闻名世界的亚琛工大,更让这个古老的城市增加了一丝人文气息和科技活力。Shared borders with the Netherlands and Belgium give Aachen a distinctly international vibe . with the famous RWTH-Aachen, this old city now have cultural ambience and scientific activity.

同时,他还被宁波市政府聘为顾问,为宁波和亚琛市缔结友好城市作出了很大贡献。Meanwhile, he has severed as senior advisor for Ningbo Municipal government for a long time, making great contributions to the enhancement of Sister-city relationships between Ningbo and Aachen.

在专家们讨论重建的可行性的时候,一个德国亚琛工业大学的团队正在测试一种三维技术,这种技术可以让研究人员重组之前巨大佛像的碎片——虚拟地。As experts debate the feasibility of reconstruction, a team at Germany's RWTH Aachen University is testing 3-D technology that allows researchers to reassemble pieces of the former giants—virtually.

在专家们讨论重建的可行性的时候,一个德国亚琛工业大学的团队正在测试一种三维技术,这种技术可以让研究人员重组之前巨大佛像的碎片——虚拟地。As experts debate the feasibility of reconstruction, a team at Germany’s RWTH Aachen University is testing 3-D technology that allows researchers to reassemble pieces of the former giants—virtually.