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彼特•J•什图尔穆是奥地利格拉兹科技大学教授。Peter J. Sturm is professor at Graz University of Technology, Austria.

格拉茨是奥地利的第二大城市,是在东南地区。Graz is Austria's second largest city and is in the south east of the country.

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这两款车将建立独立的汽车制造商麦格纳斯太尔在奥地利格拉茨。Both vehicles will be built by independent vehicle manufacturer Magna Steyr in Graz , Austria.

格拉茨温暖宜人,整个城市就像一个具有浓郁地中海风情的绿色公园。Due to its mild microclimate, Graz is a city of lush parks with an almost Mediterranean flair.

剧院,部分大学的音乐和表演艺术格拉茨,最多可容纳450人。The theatre, part of the University of Music and Performing Arts Graz , can seat up to 450 people.

格拉茨风暴推迟了他们的国内的比赛,因此他们是以最好的状态来同我们对阵的,而且他们动力十足。Sturm Graz postponed their domestic game to come here in the best shape and they're very motivated.

格拉茨大学的团队也获得类似的成果,并且拍下了沿直链行进的电浆子图形。The Graz group achieved similar results and imaged the patterns of the plasmons carried along the chains.

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在格拉茨与后来在布拉格求学时,特士拉便不停地思索要如何做出不会迸出火花的马达。Tesla puzzled incessantly about how to make a spark-free motor as he pursued his studies in Graz and then in Prague.

阿尔塞纳·温格的球队在阳光下努力训练,而他们将在UPC球场对阵格拉兹风暴队。Arsène Wenger's squad were put through their paces in the sunshine and will now head west to face Sturm Graz at the UPC-Arena.

该公寓是对在格拉茨,是由建筑师设计的东住宅大厦楼上之一。The apartment is on one of the upper floors of a residential building in the east of Graz , which was designed by an architect.

很难想象从健美选手到电影明星再到政治家的施瓦辛格曾经只是出生在奥地利格拉茨小镇的一个小男孩。It's hard to imagine that this muscleman-turned-actor-turned-politician extraordinaire was ever a little boy in tiny Graz , Austria.

格拉茨大学的生化学家弗兰克·马德欧和托拜·厄斯森伯格共同领导一个团队,该团队的宗旨是来测试一种叫做亚精胺物质的影响。Biochemists Frank Madeo and Tobias Eisenberg at the University of Graz led a team to test the effects of a substance known as spermidine.

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奥地利南部一城市,位于格拉茨西南。279年在地图上标出。现在是制造业中心和著名的滑雪场。人口87,32。A city of southern Austria southwest of Graz. It was chartered in 279 and is today a manufacturing center and noted ski resort. Population, 87,32.

“我们的注意力已经完全集中到同格拉茨风暴队的两回合比赛上,击败他们后我们将紧急欧联杯正赛阶段的比赛。”德尔。皮耶罗继续说到。"Our concentration is entirely focused on the double encounter with Sturm Graz that can give us access to the Europa League, " continued Del Piero.

克拉根福奥地利南部一城市,位于格拉茨西南。1279年在地图上标出。现在是制造业中心和著名的滑雪场。人口87,321。A city of southern Austria southwest of Graz. It was chartered in1279 and is today a manufacturing center and noted ski resort. Population, 87, 321.

它是在活动环境下开发移动机器人的理想场景,”格拉茨技术大学的机器人专家施泰因鲍尔说。It is the ideal scenario for developing moving robots in a mobile environment, " said Steinbauer, a robotics specialist at Graz Technical University."

在1910年的世界动物学家大会上,他简述了用人工受精培育杂种的可能。In a presentation to the World Congress of Zoologists in Graz in 1910, he outlined the possibility of using artificial insemination to create a hybrid.

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福涅尔所设计的格拉茨美术馆进行空间文脉的分析,试图找到非欧几何形式中传统空间的影子,来说明建筑师是如何继承前人而又有所创新的。This paper analyzes the space context of the Kunsthaus Graz designed by Peter Cook and Colin Fournier, try to find the shadow of traditional space in the shape of non-euclidean geometry.

这家名家设计的酒店毗邻格拉茨的火车总站,风格时尚且价格合理,步行几分钟便可抵达历史古城、会议中心和Kunsthaus美术馆。This design hotel next to the main train station in Graz is a trendy and reasonably priced choice, only a few minutes' walk from the historic old town, the convention centre and the Kunsthaus.