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映射就像电子表格公式。The maps are like spreadsheet formulas.

出口职位点子作为一个电子表格。Export positions in pips as a spreadsheet.

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我可以在移动过程中访问我的电子表格数据。I could access my spreadsheet data on the move.

控制电子表格模型如何重算。Controls how the spreadsheet model recalculates.

保存速算表并且创造指向它的一DSN。Save the spreadsheet and create a DSN pointing to it.

你可以在从此电子表格中看到数据和来源。You can see the data and sources in this spreadsheet.

我们使用电子数据表来保持对需求的跟踪。We use a spreadsheet to keep track of the requirements.

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数据池编辑器是一个虚框,类似于电子表格。The datapool editor is a grid, similar to a spreadsheet.

一个空的试算表包含二维的格子。An empty spreadsheet contains a two-dimensional grid of cells.

最初,我们的主表需要模仿电子表格。Initially we shall model our main table after the spreadsheet.

使用办公软件,Zoho或Google的免费电子表格软件。Use free spreadsheet software from Open Office, Zoho or Google.

数据是否具有非常严格的结构,比如电子表格或数据库?Is it very rigidly structured, like a spreadsheet or a database?

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不能在电子表格应用程序中打开这种数据。It is not possible to open the data in spreadsheet applications.

你可以用电脑创建自己的穿衣表。You can uSE your comp uter to create your own fashion spreadsheet.

你们每个人的名字和所选数都在这里Each of your names is on this spreadsheet and the number you chose.

对于非常简单的项目,可以使用电子表格和一些宏命令。On very simple projects one can use a spreadsheet with a few macros.

例如,如果您在处理具有多个记录行的电子表格。For example if you are processing a spreadsheet with rows of records.

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莲花公司是,第一个开发电子数据表软件的公司That was the corporation that produced the first spreadsheet program.

将你每天花费在工作上的时间制成一个电子数据表或是记录。Keep a spreadsheet or log of the time that you put into work each day.

同样的情况也适用于字处理、电子表格程序等。The same is true for word processing, spreadsheet programs, and so on.