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定制JMeter测试。Customize JMeter tests.

通常,您需要定制该模版。Usually, you need to customize it.

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妳可以订作自己的衣服。You could customize your own clothes.

自定义自动记录或用户指定。Customize to auto record or user specified.

改如何实现自定义扩展CRM软件?How do I customize and extend the software?

你想要自定义您的光标笔势吗?Would you like to customize your flick gestures?

您可以自订甲板和背景。You can customize the decks and the backgrounds.

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现在您可以自订网页的颜色。Now you can customize the colors of the web pages.

可以根据自己的设置定制这个脚本。You can customize this script based on your setup.

允许您定制十进制格式的模式。Allows you to customize the decimal format pattern.

当然,您可以根据自己的喜好来定制页面。You can, of course, customize the page as you like.

定制预加载虚拟映像和模式。Customize the preloaded virtual images and patterns.

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可以自定义发给您的新闻和内容。You customize the news and content that comes to you.

我们可以订做宝石磨光机,以符合你们的要求。We can customize our gem polishers to suit your needs.

脚本包也可以用于定制模式。Script packages can also be used to customize patterns.

因此,可以根据自己的需要定制此工具。Therefore, you can customize the tool as per your needs.

重要的是这个定制功能是可利用的。What matters is that the customize function be available.

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定制该小部件的设置和用户首选项的值。Customize the gadget settings and user preferences values.

允许管理者自订网站导览选单。Allows administrators to customize the site navigation menu.

实现拼接功能的展示柜,满足客户化定制需要。Combination Armoire that you can customize to fit your room.