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他在密西根醒来。And he wakes up in Michigan.

我在密西根做什么?What am I doing in Michigan?

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在密执安街向左转。?。Turn left on Michigan Street.

所以这边是密西根。So this is Michigan over here.

密歇根克雷格斯名单的故事。Craigs List stories of Michigan.

密执安州是“狼獾之州”。Michigan is the Wolverine State.

密歇根湖在阳光下波光粼粼。Lake Michigan shimmers in the sun.

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密歇根州是“貂熊州”。Michigan is "The Wolverine State".

密歇根州的秋天对人们来说是一种视觉享受。Autumn in Michigan is a visual treat.

可我不一定想去密歇根读书呀。But I may not want to go to Michigan.

密西根家伙才是拿破仑。It's the Michigan fellow who's Napoleon.

密歇根州联合城的海龟度湖假村Turtle Lake Resort, Union City, Michigan

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福特汽车公司的总部在密歇根州迪尔伯恩市。Dearborn, Michigan is Ford's headquarters.

这些士兵可以坐满两个密歇根橄榄球场That's twice the Michigan football stadium.

密执安大学今年秋天绝对是一支非常强的球队。Michigan has a great football team this fall.

他的两个孩子也的确从密歇根大学卒业。Both of his kids actually did graduate Michigan.

耐仕特在密歇根州雇佣了数千人。Nexteer employs thousands of people in Michigan.

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密歇根大学W.K。凯洛格眼科中心。W. K. Kellogg Eye Center, University of Michigan.

如果我自己作决定的话,我可能选择密歇根。If I make my own decision, I might choose Michigan.

密歇根湖还尚未发现亚洲鲤鱼的踪迹。No Asian carp have yet been found in Lake Michigan.