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说来真怪,我昨天还碰到她的。Funnily enough, I met her only yesterday.

有趣的是,很多的Akei族人对蜜蜂的叮咬免疫。Funnily enough, most Akei are immune to bee stings.

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人们的反应太好笑了,我妻子也不愿意靠近这车。People react funnily to this, my wife won't go near it.'

而我的儿子,就看着妹妹,傻傻憨憨地笑着。But my son just looked at his sisters, and laughed funnily.

“滑稽”是为欢闹的节日制造笨拙或好笑的东西。Huaji is making up awkwardly or funnily for hilarious festivals.

这是多么不可思议的事情,又显得多么滑稽!This is the how inconceivable matter, also appears how funnily !

让人感到滑稽的是,现在网站的所有67名用户都是芝加哥人,而这里恰恰是公司的总部所在地。Funnily enough, all 67 of its users are Chicagoans, where the HQ is based.

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可笑的是,无论我什么时候问,“那些计划可曾正确过吗?”Funnily enough whenever I ask the question “but are those plans ever right?”

说来也巧,钱太婆的生日就在农历九月初九。Funnily enough, money, woman 's birthday is in September of the lunar month.

太奇怪了,我认为最丑的东西竟然第一个卖完了!Funnily enough, the ones I thought so ugly were the ones that sold out first!

很有趣的是,我们从没有接到过对斯科尔斯的询价。你知道为什么?Funnily enough, we have never had one inquiry for Paul Scholes and you know why?

有趣的事,大多数曾与Kirk“搞过暧昧”的人都是科学官。Funnily enough, most of the people Kirk has attempted to procreate with were scientists.

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地球是从太阳和有趣的是第三颗行星,一个我们知道最关注。Earth is the third planet from the sun and funnily enough, the one we know the most about.

很滑稽的是,现在一些议会共和党人要求联邦应急管理局增加预算。Funnily enough, now some Republicans in Congress are demanding FEMA's budget be increased.

说话风趣,有幽默感.我假定我遇到过他,好吗?He talks funnily ,and he has such a fine sense of humor.And I,I assumed that I met him, OK?

有意思的是,这正是高盛1999年上市首日的股价。Funnily enough ─ that’s the same price as the high for Goldman’s shares on the first day of its IPO in 1999.

有趣的是,在阿森纳开始卫冕的时候,在海布里面对的正是来自加迪夫的球队。Funnily enough, the Bluebirds from Ninian Park visit Highbury at the weekend as Arsenal start their defence.

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可这世界,已不再是父亲驰骋的疆场,他的举动变得可笑落伍。However, this changed world was no longer the stage for her old father and his deeds became funnily obsolete.

说来好笑,能够接纳「达拉斯」歌舞或绕舌音乐的相同心灵,也同样可以欣赏「荷马史诗」及「莎士比亚」的作品。Funnily enough, the same mind that takes in " Dallas" or rap music is also accessible to Homer and Shakespeare.

真是羞耻,他的足球历史始于2006年,著实可笑的是这一年巴勒莫又回到了意甲。It's a shame, as his history of football begins in 2006, which was funnily enough when Palermo returned to Serie A.