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母性会怎么样?How about maternal instincts?

遇见六叔和六舅。Met Sixth Uncle, and six maternal uncles.

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你会从母系那方得到帮助。You will get help from your maternal side.

十月份我的外祖母患了中风。My maternal grandmother had a stroke in October.

我的情人是一只温柔的梅花鹿,一匹母性的梅花鹿。My sweetheart is a gentle sika, a maternal sika.

母爱是一种巨大的火焰。——罗曼。罗兰。Maternal love is a huge flame. Roman roman. Rowland.

母亲的心是儿女们感情的温度表。Maternal heart is children people emotive thermometer.

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棺材后面的妈妈,妈妈在她自己的坟墓。Mama behind the coffin, mama in her own maternal grave.

哦,母爱难言,母爱难言!Oh, mother love unspeakable, maternal love unspeakable!

测试可以开始了——不过只限女性亲属。The tests could begin – but only on maternal relatives.

跳跳虎一定有很强烈的母性,哎,父性本能。Tigger must have a strong maternal , er, paternal instinct.

在低剂量时没发现任何对妊妇或胚胎的副作用。At lower doses, no maternal or embryonic effects were noted.

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目的有效控制产科病区医院感染的发生。Objective To control nosocomial infection in maternal wards.

先天愚型就与高龄生产有关。Late maternal age has certainly been implicated in mongolism.

孕产妇死亡人数从1990年的54.6万到2008年减少到35.8万。Maternal deaths fell from 546,000 in 1990 to 358,000 in 2008.

而母亲的死亡率下降到了每100,000人中787人死亡。The maternal mortality rate dropped to 787 per 100,000 people.

而流产率很大程度上也受父方年龄的影响。Miscarriage rates were also typically affected by maternal age.

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对外婆而言也是叶落归根了。Returning to their roots on the maternal grandmother is also a.

也有一些母亲原因的母乳禁忌症。There also are few maternal contraindications to breastfeeding.

总之,母性本能是美好的,但它有其局限性。In short, maternal instinct is wonderful, but it has its limits.