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谢谢你,洁聪。Thank you Cong.

阮公陶说道。Nguyen Cong Tao said.

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量大从优。Large quantity of Cong.

何辅,一个叫菜花的女孩正在大门口等你。They are looking for a boy named He Cong.

希望大家丛冢学习到有用的东西。We hope to learn Cong mound useful things.

这些卡宾枪再被提供给南边的越共游击队。These carbines were in turn given to the Viet Cong.

豆面球、花肉、葱姜、红辣椒。Bean flour balls, flower meat, Cong Jiang, red pepper.

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国民校草李冲聪旳身高昰多少?如题。Lee Chong Cong National School A tall grass g how much?

但是我们必须承受人生的起伏。But the ups and downs of life must be taken as they cong.

我们听到的却是美国将这一切都归咎于越共。and we listened while America blamed it all on the Viet Cong.

之后,白丛雪赶快把这一情况跟叶凌青汇报。After Bai Cong snow with Ye Lingqing a condition report quickly.

而游击队这边,白丛雪派出一人准备给他们加点料。This way, the guerrillas Bai Cong snow sent a man to add to them.

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丛说,她公司到现在才接到了一份男性的应聘请求。Cong said her agency has yet to receive an application from a man.

车主从从车里抽出一根紧固螺丝的粗铁棒。Owners out of a fastening screw from the Cong Juli thick iron bar.

另一个故事则是一队美军遭遇越南游击队埋伏,结果61个美国军人在枪战中丧生。Meanwhile, in Vietnam, a U.S. platoon walk into a Viet Cong ambush.

水边植物如水葱、菖蒲、芦苇等一般在岸边丛植。Waterside plants such as calamus, reed general Zhi Cong in the shore.

丛前男友姜大伟出面,表示自己愿意接纳丛。Cong ex-boyfriend Jiang Dawei, said he is willing to accept the plexus.

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她说,‘周围都是越共,我不能有个名叫威廉的儿子。’She said, ‘I can't have a son named William with the Viet Cong around.'

而叶凌青又重新见到白丛雪,却遭到了白丛雪的唾弃。While seeing Bai Cong Ye Lingqing snow, under Bai Cong spit on the snow.

原因之一是因为越共使用游击战术。One reason for this is because the Viet Cong were using guerrilla tactics.