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他是个阿富汗难民,叫阿维。He was an Afghan refugee named Awal.

今年45岁的毛顺玉现在住在一顶帐篷里,靠政府救济过活。Now a refugee living on handouts in a tent, Ms.

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我们俩从心里同情这个勇敢的小难民。Our hearts went out to the brave little refugee.

她目前栖身于罗马尼亚的一处难民营。She is recovering at a refugee centre in Romania.

的确,逃到南方的黑人就是一个难民。The Negro who flees the South is really a refugee.

一个新来的难民在他的新家。A newly-arrived refugee child waits in his new home.

这是一个关于人权的慈善团体,叫做英国难民委员会,It's a human rights charity, British Refugee Council,

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民安队自一九七五年便参与管理难民的工作。CAS has been involved in refugee management since 1975.

最近我们做的活动是为了难民理事会。The latest campaign we did was for the Refugee Council.

作者生动地描述了难民营中的生活。The author portrays life in a refugee camp very vividly.

一场沙尘暴席卷了索马里边境附近的一个难民营。A sandstorm in a refugee camp near the border of Somalia.

他们救济水灾难民。They contributed five million dollars for refugee relief.

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我们在任何难民群体中都没见过这样的问题。We'd never seen anything like this with any refugee group.

当前,全球难民形势不容乐观。At present, the global refugee situation is not optimistic.

他今年18岁,来自布隆迪,不过他以前是住在坦桑尼亚的难民。He's 18 from Burundi, but was a refugee living in Tanzania.

民安队自一九七五年便参与管理难民的工作。The CAS has been involved in refugee management since 1975.

流民始终是引发社会动荡的因素之一。Refugee is always one of factors that result in convulsions.

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部队试图在难民营里设一个瞭望哨。Troops tried to set up a lookout post inside a refugee camp.

是一些来自中欧避难的精神分析专家。were a number of refugee psychoanalysts from central Europe.

一头牛在难民营外被宰杀。A cow is ritually slaughtered outside the Kalma refugee camp.