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但我不喜欢没有灵魂的音乐。But I dislike soulless music.

我发觉这里毫无生气。I find it a bit soulless here.

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没有灵魂的公主今天作了另一个梦。The soulless princess had another dream today.

小,黑卑鄙的眼睛横跨空气闪动。Beady , black soulless eyes flash across the air.

不过就算最无聊的办公室也有它的重要性。Yet even the most soulless of offices has its vital part to play.

忽视历史,一个民族会变得没有灵魂且毫无意义,就像一个空空如也的纸袋。Ignore it, and a nation becomes as soulless and meaningless as an empty paper bag.

那充斥的性以及失却灵魂的女人,那些蛇蝎美人,又是怎么回事呢?And what about all the sex, and the prominence of the soulless woman, the femme fatale?

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那个没有灵魂的庞然大物仅是象征了唐璜永远否定的那些力量。That gigantic and soulless stone merely symbolizes the forces that Don Juan negated forever.

这个没有主心骨的灰色建筑所在的地方,是全球最大港口的葬身之地。This soulless grey bulk was built in the graveyard of what was once the world's largest port.

难道就是因为我一贫如洗,长相平庸,个子瘦小就没有灵魂,无情无义吗?Do you think that because I am poor, obscure, plain and little that I am soulless and heartless?

但是现在欧萨玛放置一个没有灵魂的躯体、一个胜利品,已经被炫耀为一个空洞的胜利的象征。But now Osama lays a soulless body, a trophy, already being paraded as a symbol of a hollow victory.

本文介绍了无土栽培中有机肥和有机基质的种类和作用。The report introduced type and function of manure and organic growing media used in soulless culture.

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我所痛恨的是这个体系会扩张成为左翼人士所说的“冷漠无情的商业机器”。No, what I hate is when that system scales up into what left-wingers call soulless corporate machines.

亡灵巫师赋予死者尸体魔力,并召唤驱动一群古尸武士和行尸。The necromancer enchants the bodies of the dead and calls forth a horde of Longdead Warriors and Soulless.

这就是用彩色纸重新包装的中国,一个有着油亮的脸庞和空洞的,没有灵魂的美丽身躯的国家。This is the new, sterilized China, a country with a shiny face and an empty interior, merely a soulless beauty.

而所有试图抹去在地风味的葡萄酒,都将会因此有沦为没有灵魂的工业制品的危险。All trying to erase the taste of wine on the ground, so there are will become soulless industrial products risk.

当整个班级的男生都死气沉沉,被家庭的期望所束缚,被自己禁锢,要怎样做才能挽救他们?How to rescue a class of boys from a soulless existence, from oppressive familial expectations, from themselves?

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但简单地制造出这种没有灵魂的续集的票房实力是一种侮辱到爱电影的人。But to simply churn out this soulless sequel on the strength of two box-office hits is an insult to the film-goer.

美国前总统小布什在当政的时候说,世界将美国人看作僵尸,即没有灵魂的人。He also says that the world thought of America as a zombie, that is, a soulless when George W. Bush was ‘in charge’.

宗教是对受压迫生物的惋惜,是这个无情的世界的心脏,是在没有精神的情境下的灵魂支撑。Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions.