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为什么转基因食物可能会引起过敏?Why are GM foods potentially allergenic?

如果转基因蛋白质来自已知的敏感源食物,它就应该接受免疫学试验。If the transgenic protein comes from a known allergenic food, it is subjected to immunological tests.

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有三项研究使用大豆替代物,而这本身对异位性皮肤炎也可能是一项过敏原。Three of the studies used soya based substitute which itself can be allergenic to people with atopic eczema.

引进外源性基因、比如说将它引进一种植物,可能会引起过敏的风险。There is a risk that introducing a foreign gene into, for example, a plant may cause it to become allergenic.

也许您认为防菌地毯大多都风格单一,质量平平,不够高档。You can be assured that choosing anti- allergenic carpet doesn't mean compromising on style, quality or value.

这一文件和之后的修改很可能会成为转基因食物过敏风险评估的全球标准。This document and future modifications are likely to set the global standard for assessing allergenic risks of GM food.

空气花粉污染引起的疾病称为花粉症,即花粉过敏性反应。When allergenic pollen in the air increases to some certain, it may initiate the response in susceptible humans, Pollinosis.

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避免使用绒毛制品,人工合成材料的保暖性,先进性以及低过敏性比鹅毛和鸭毛要合适的多。Avoid down products. Synthetics are very advanced now and tend to be warmer, lighter less allergenic than goose or duck down.

传统的生物制品包括疫苗、抗血清、免疫应答产物、血液、血液制品及血液制品衍生物。Traditional biological products include vaccines, antiserum, allergenic extracts, blood, blood products, and blood derivatives.

向营养学家咨询可以确保你的孩子既没有摄入过敏食物又获得了足够的营养。Meeting with a dietitian or nutritionist can help ensure your child is getting all the nutrients they need without allergenic foods.

当处于高二氧化碳的环境下,毒藤植物会产生一种让人皮肤痒的物质「漆酚」。When exposed to more carbon dioxide, poison ivy plants produce a more allergenic form of urushiol, the substance that makes skin itch.

可能的情况是,农民将继续生产他们的污染环境的猪肉、过敏的有机大豆以及喷有神经毒素的有机苹果。Chances are, farmers will continue to grow their polluting organic pork, their allergenic organic soy and their neurotoxinsprayed organic apples.

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另一方面,过敏性的转入基因可能使先前没有过敏的个体发生过敏,这样它们开始产生IqE。Alternatively, an allergenic transgene might be able to make an individual become allergic who was not previously, so that they start to produce IgE.

然而,在我们目前所了解的基础上,由现在种植的转基因作物制作的食品所造成的过敏风险还很小。Nevertheless, on the basis of our current understanding, the allergenic risks posed by foods produced from GM crops currently being grown are minimal.

本文对394例药疹的致敏药物、临床表现、治疗和预后进行临床分析。Objective Clinical analysis of 394 cases of drug eruption. Methods The allergenic drugs, the clinical manifestation, therapy, and prognosis were discussed.

决策树的方法主要建立在对已知过敏原结构和物质过敏属性的直接和间接对比的基础上。Consequently, the decision-tree approach is based primarily on direct and indirect comparisons with structures and allergenic properties of known allergens.

目的探讨三氯乙烯及其代谢产物三氯乙酸、三氯乙醇及水合三氯乙醛对豚鼠的皮肤致敏作用。Objective The contact allergenic activity of trichloroethylene and its three metabolites trichloroacetic acid, trichloroethanol, chloral hydrate were studied.

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奇异果的皮具备很高的“抗氧化化学防晒性”,专家证实多吃奇异果能起到抗癌、抗炎症、抗过敏的效果哦。The hairy skin of the kiwi fruit is high in antioxidants and thought to have anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory and anti- allergenic properties, says Dr Glenville.

低致敏素食产品,这纯粹是胶囊形式提供,以消除粘合剂,涂料或致敏成分可能损害用户。Hypo-Allergenic Vegetarian This pure product is provided in capsule form to eliminate binders, coatings or allergenic ingredients which may be detrimental to the user.

研究小组证明,可通过对“超敏感”儿童细胞能力进行再次训练,而使他们能接受过敏食物而免受强烈地过敏性反应之苦。The team demonstrated the ability to re-educate the cells of superallergic children to accept allergenic foods without suffering from severe reactions such as anaphylaxis.