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金刚!猩猩和他的地盘。King Kong! orang and his land.

橙子的数量就是我的年龄。Basket. The number of the orang is my age.

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猩猩现在面临着在野外灭绝的境地。Orang are currently on the verge of extinction wildly.

托普不咆哮了,猩猩也不再感到不安了。The dog's growling had entirely ceased, as well as the uneasiness of the orang.

执务会已决定捐款于忙人协会与爱加倍辅导团。Church board had decided to donate some money to Persatuan Orang Buta and Agape Counseling Group.

红毛猩猩是高度智能化的类人猿,可以发现在这些岛屿上的野生婆罗洲和苏门答腊岛。Orang Utans are highly intelligent apes and can be found wild on the islands of Borneo and Sumatra.

在马来民间传说里,另有一种叫做潘德克人的小型人形动物,据说现在还生活在苏门答腊。And Malay folklore describes another small, humanlike being known as the orang pendek that supposedly dwells on Sumatra to this day.

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对微胶囊粉末橙汁香精进行了研制,探索了工艺条件,对微胶囊壁材进行了选择。The author prepares powder on microencapsulation of essence of orang juice, explores technological condition, selectes wall material of microencapsulation.

这只聪明的猩猩经过纳布巧妙的训练,已经有了很大进步,人们看见他们在谈话,一定会以为这个黑人和猩猩是彼此懂得对方语言的。The clever orang had been marvelously trained by Neb, and any one would have said that the Negro and the ape understood each other when they talked together.

原始人在文化上和马来人不同,其中一些人来到城里,并与马来人的通婚,成功的融入其中。The Orang Asli are culturally distinct from the Malays though some who venture out into the towns and cities have been known to become assimilated with the Malays through marriage.