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虾,辣椒粉,番茄酱,芝麻草。Shrimp, chilies, tomato sauce, arugula salad.

番茄酱,马苏里拉,巴马火腿,芝麻菜。Tomato sauce, mozzarella, parma ham, arugula.

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我给你点了你最喜欢的沙拉--荷兰莴苣和芝麻菜。I got your favorite salad--endive and arugula.

你在华盛顿哪儿找到的芝麻菜?Where'd you find arugula in washington betty ?

芝麻菜果岭中常用的沙拉和意大利面。Arugula greens are frequently used in salads and pasta.

从1世纪以来,芝麻已被认为是增强兴奋的辅助物。Arugula has been heralded as an arousal aid since the first century.

巴马火腿,马苏里拉,芝麻草和番茄酱。Parma ham, fresh mozzarella, arugula salad filling with tomato sauce.

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在茴香里放入芝麻,添加葡萄柚和鳄梨,轻轻地搅拌。Toss arugula with fennel, add grapefruit and avocado, and gently toss.

配搭肉酱意大利面条或辣味里脊猪肉。This wine is best paired with Pasta Bolognese or spicy pork tenderloin with wilted arugula.

他找来了史坦顿岛的辣椒、布鲁克林的芝麻,甚至曼哈顿蜜蜂酿的蜂蜜。He finds peppers from Staten Island, arugula in Brooklyn, even honey made by Manhattan bees.

打开每个皮塔饼,填入芝麻菜,煎好的汉堡馅以及番茄和红洋葱,淋上少许做好的黄瓜敷料,撒上羊乳酪。Open each pita, stuff with arugula and drizzle with some of the dressing. Add burger, tomato and red onion to pita.

在一个沙拉碗里,把芝麻菜叶,莴苣,西红柿,橘子,橄榄和洋葱混在一起。加上调味品,充分地搅拌使之裹匀。In a salad bowl combine the arugula lettuce tomatoes orange olives and onion. add the dressing tossing to coat well.

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烤面包片,然后放在盘子中。把每片面包上面放上一片枯萎的芝麻菜和一片鱼。上面撒上酸辣芥末酱,即可食用。Toast bread and place on plates. top each with wilted arugula and a salmon fillet . drizzle mustard sauce over top. serve immediately.

在披萨上撒一把芝麻菜吧,在巧克力香蕉汁中放一些嫩菠菜吧,或者你也可以在一锅汤中加一些羽衣甘蓝。Add a handful of arugula to your pizza, throw some baby spinach into your next chocolate-banana smoothie, or add kale to your pot of soup.

有许多乳突的人被称为味觉超敏感者,因为他们的实际感知能力很强,比如他们能品尝出芝麻菜的苦味或是豌豆的微小甜味。People who have lots of papillae have been dubbed supertasters for their ability to really perceive, say, the bitterness in arugula or the subtle sweetness of a pea.