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这种义愤不合理么?Doesn't this outrage justice?

我想,愤怒让我走了很远。I guess outrage got me pretty far.

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公愤之后迎来了这场改革。After the outrage comes the reform.

我想象着他脸上的狂怒。I pictured his face wide with outrage.

奉行义愤脚本就是一个例子。Running the outrage script is one example.

他的姨夫姨妈交换了一下愤怒的眼光。His aunt and uncle exchanged looks of outrage.

他们被亲眼所见的暴行吓得呆住了。They were horrified by the outrage before their eyes.

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财富不平等是事实,那么愤怒在哪儿呢?So wealth inequality is real, but where’s the outrage?

战争的支持者对泄密事件表示愤怒。Supporters of the war expressed outrage over the leak.

许多推客都在发表其看法,支持或是愤慨。Many tweeters were just registering support or outrage.

使用氢弹是违反人道的暴行。The use of H-bombs would be an outrage against humanity.

使用氢弹是否违背人道?。Would the use of H-bombs be an outrage against humanity?

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同样,许多对于奖金的愤怒也是不公正的。Equally, much of the outrage over bonuses is unjustified.

他认为这一伎俩很可能使她克制住愤怒。He thought this strategy might help to contain her outrage.

这一事件激起了国际公愤。Nine activists were killed, sparking international outrage.

就我个人而言,很难完全抛开义愤脚本形事。Personally I found it difficult to dump the outrage script.

政府迟迟才谴责是次暴行。The Government has been dilatory in condemning the outrage.

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这篇文章导致了球迷气愤填膺,暴跳如雷。The article caused a storm of fans' indignation and outrage.

中东地区领导人也作出了同样愤怒的反应。Reaction from Middle Eastern leaders expressed similar outrage.

公众对政府的高压手段的愤怒是瞬间。Public outrage over the government's heavy-handedness was instant.