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死亡是一种自然而然的超凡人圣。It is a sort of natural canonization.

百凡新体,只是向来卑不足道之体忽然列品入流。New forms are simply canonization of inferior genres.

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加封仪式本身也有着一些历史。The canonization ceremony included some history as well.

历史流传物的经典化是一个“效果历史事件”。The canonization of historical transmission is an effective-historical event.

因此,经典化与迪斯尼化构成了本论文所关注的两大核心问题。Therefore, canonization and disneyization make up two core issues concerned in this thesis.

本文对“诗言志”的产生年代、经典化过程和途径进行了论述。This paper focuses on the background, canonization and ways of the "poem expressing ideal."

本文从文化研究的视角对文学的经典化与解经典化问题提出了自己的看法。This article analyses the canonization and decanonization from the perspective of cultural studies.

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我需要新鲜空气,因为从他被追封为圣者那天起我就觉得作呕。I needed the fresh park air because I was feeling nauseated from another day of this endless canonization.

达米盎神父将于明年被追封为圣徒,届时布吉和艾维打算去罗马观看追封仪式。Father Damien's canonization is expected to take place late next year, and Boogie and Ivy plan to be there in Rome.

由于“诗言志”是古代文论的“开山纲领”,因而它的经典化过程便有普遍的意义。As it is the opening remark of the Chinese ancient critical works, its canonization achieves universal significance.

吴将过境德里前往梵蒂冈参加教皇约翰二十三世和教皇约翰保罗二世的册封。Wu will be in Delhi en route to Vatican City where he will attend the canonization of Pope John XXIII and Pope John Paul II.

原创文学的经典化与权力关系之间的共谋是显而易见的,翻译文学的经典化也一向如此。It is evident that the canonization of a literary text must be in collusion with power relations, so is the canonization of a translated text.

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白洋淀诗群的经典化过程与朦胧诗、前朦胧诗、新诗史写作模式、新诗史研究方式的转换都存在着极其密切的关系。The canonization about it has intimate relation to the misty poem, pre-poem and model changing of writing and research of modern poem history.

建筑经典化的实质是表现意义的过程,体现在对宏大叙事的诉求、品牌商品的塑造和文化身份认同的建构三个方面。The canonization of architecture is a process to express meaning, which is embodied in great narration, branded commodity and cultural self-identity.

教会当中最称不宽容的天主教会,甚至在授封圣徒时还容许并且耐心倾听一个“魔鬼的申辩”。The most intolerant of churches, the Roman Catholic Church, even at the canonization of a saint, admits, and listens patiently to, a "devil's advocate."

对于当地社区来说,追封特蕾莎修女为圣者,会让他们感到十分自豪,同时这也是一次机会,让他们与世界共同分享这位有阿尔巴尼亚血统的著名传教士。For the local community, Mother Teresa's canonization is a source of pride and a chance to share the famous missionary of Albanian origin with the world.

加封她的用意在于说服惊慌绝望的民众,在住宅和家庭里也可以达到神圣的境界,不一定要逃到修道院去。Her canonization was intended to persuade a people in panic and despair that holiness could be achieved in the home and family, not only through escape to a monastery.

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只有三个,直到她几乎已经不可避免的在2月27日奥斯卡庆典封圣周,娜塔莉波特曼是放松了一下,在她的成长为更好地照顾孩子。With just three weeks until her all-but-inevitable canonization at the Feb. 27 Oscar bash, Natalie Portman is relaxing a bit, the better to care for the baby growing inside her.

东正教认为,必须考虑将一个人追封为圣人,而罗马天主教会则认为这是圣人的象征,但没有必要进行追封。The orthodox church consider it essential in considering a person for canonization as a saint, and the Roman Catholic Church consider it as sign of sainthood but not a necessity.

很多意大利和中国教友都期望利神父和他的好友徐光启能尽快封圣。“Like many Italian and Chinese Catholics, I have prayed for the canonization of Fr Ricci and his closest Chinese friend Xu Guangqi, who was the first Catholic in Shanghai,” Wu added.