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将香草蔬菜团和海篷子在沸水中重新加热。Reheat the gnocchi and samphire separately in boiling water.

现在有了速冻工艺,汤团才出现在商店里。Now, with quick-freezing process, gnocchi appeared on the store.

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然后将香草蔬菜团和蛤蜊布置在鳕鱼周围,最后放入海篷子。Arrange gnocchi and clams around the cod and finish with samphire.

包汤团的过程也像饺子,但不用擀面杖。The process is like a package gnocchi dumplings, but do not Rolling pin.

做得好的汤团表面光滑发亮,有的还留一个尖儿,像桃形。Shiny smooth surface of the gnocchi well, and some remained a smb, like Peach.

温州人视吃汤团为吉祥,历来有汤团待客的风俗习惯。Wenzhou people eat dumpling as auspicious as there has always been gnocchi hospitality customs.

学会如何应对在这个自由传统的意大利美食视频剪辑的专业烹饪技巧与面团自制面疙瘩。Learn how to roll the dough for homemade gnocchi with expert cooking tips in this free traditional Italian cuisine video clip.

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了解如何塑造这个自由传统的意大利美食视频剪辑的专业烹饪技巧与面团自制面疙瘩。Learn how to shape the dough for homemade gnocchi with expert cooking tips in this free traditional Italian cuisine video clip.

需要了解什么成分,使国产在这个自由传统的意大利美食视频剪辑与专家烹饪技巧汤团。Learn what ingredients are needed to make homemade gnocchi with expert cooking tips in this free traditional Italian cuisine video clip.

无论是你在找一个意大利团子的菜谱还是想找个能用上你家里那些罗勒和粗燕麦粉的菜谱,两个引擎都能为你找到满意的结果。Both have good result if you are looking for a good gnocchi recipe or if you need a recipe to take care of all that basil and couscous in your house.

不过至少有一点他们还是冠军级的,那就是媒体室里提供的点心!There is one thing about them that is Championship class at least – the food in the press room! Gnocchi followed by Ben and Jerry's ice cream pre-match.