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有迹象表明,行市准备上升。Market ready upswing as sign indicate.

我们小城里的入室盗窃案一直在上升。Burglaries in our town have been on the upswing.

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通常情况下,在随后的市场上升期,这一切都会被人忘记。More often than not, all is forgotten in the subsequent upswing.

奶妈需求激增也引发了道德方面的问题。The upswing in demand for wet nurses is raising moral questions.

这些探讨导致了缩略图在智能和可用性方面大大增强。This has led to an upswing in thumbnails that are both clever and usable.

翻译研究在当代比较文学研究中正呈现方兴未艾之势。Translation study in the field of comparative literature is on the upswing.

此外,55以上年龄群还占据了经济回升过程中新增工作岗位的三分之二。What's more, over-55s accounted for two-thirds of net jobs created in the upswing.

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但我认为这只是一个阶段,在下一次情绪高涨时他会解决这个问题。But I assumed it was just a phase, and that he would resolve it on the next upswing.

柯斯迪的体重一直上下波动,现在体重有上升趋势。Kirstie has been up and down the scale many times, and right now she is on an upswing.

然而飘红,除了代表火热高涨之外,还或多或少地暗藏着危机警戒。However the red means upswing fiery, also it means the crisis to admonish more or less.

当年幼的人到了14或15岁时,心理健康问题有一个巨大的上升趋势,艾伦说。There is a huge upswing in mental-health problems when young people hit 14 or 15 years old.

最重要的是,那些怀疑经济增长持续性的人注意到上述情况在本质上来讲是理论性的。Those who doubt the sustainability of the upswing note that, above all, it was technical in nature.

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如何上了万二,Goldman认为,是由于蓝筹股基准指数三个月来的强势上扬。What it took, Goldman says, was a strong three-month upswing in the benchmark index of blue-chip stocks.

我们不可能排除爆发新一轮金融动荡,从而使工业上升周期夭折的可能性。It is impossible to rule out a renewed bout of financial instability that derails the industrial upswing.

在农产品价格上升时期购买土地或按“宅地法”获得土地的农民很可能致富。The farmers who bought or homesteaded their land near the beginning of an upswing were likely to prosper.

但天文学家们认为下一次的太阳活动强度的上升要弱于往常,甚至有可能完全不会发生。But astronomers think the next upswing will be less intensive than normal, or could fail to happen at all.

在股市回升刺激下春季消费者信心出现了上升,随后又出现了连续两个月的下降。The two-month consecutive decline follows an upswing in confidence in the spring, fueled by a stock market rally.

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此类工具还可以通过分析问题趋势,从而帮助确定问题正在增多的应用程序领域。Such tools also help determine application areas where problems are on an upswing through an analysis of problem trends.

传统上,在经济开始衰退时辞职读书的MBA学生毕业时会处于一个经济上升期。Traditionally, students who quit jobs at the start of a recession graduate with an MBA when the economy is in an upswing.

每天都有。这是一个长期的抗争。但是我觉得我现在的情况慢慢变得更好了。因为爱情和录音室里的创作滋润了我的灵魂。G_Menchaca everyday. Constant battle. But I feel like I'm on an upswing. Being in love and creative in the studio feed my soul.