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中国必须根据新的形势重新调整其外交政策。China had to reorient her foreign policy according to the new situation.

人们已经开始借这次衰退来调整经济了。People are already using this economic slowdown to retool and reorient economies.

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但过了一段时间之后,它们的飞舞重新取向于地磁场。But after a period of time they reorient the dances to the earth's magnetic field.

你已经到了全戒备状态,寻求一切方法改造自己并能让自己适应环境。You move into full strategic mode, seeking all ways to transform and reorient both yourself and others.

我们每年都需要一两次工作假期来重新调整自己,重新建立我们的生活观。We need a work vacation or two every year in order to reorient ourselves and reestablish our sense of perspective.

尽管事实上许多组织采取措施来重订企业文化的方向来宣传创造性。Despite the fact that many organizations are now taking steps to reorient the business culture to promote creativity.

一旦溪流停止流动,就像是在下面所示的宽阔的湖内,原木逐步调整自己方向成随机的方向。As soon as the stream stops, such as in the next wide lake, the logs gradually reorient themselves in a random manner.

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疲软的美元同样应该促使美国经济转向出口以帮助重振世界经济。A weaker dollar should also assist global economic rebalancing by helping to reorient America’s economy towards exports.

要下决心调整投资方向,把国家对基础设施建设投入的重点转向农村,这是一个重大转变。We need to resolutely work to reorient investment by shifting the government's priority in infrastructure investment to the countryside.

作为总统候选人和现任总统,巴拉克奥巴马一直在重复这个论点,试图重新调整政策,防止出现更多的失败国家。Both as candidate and as president, Barack Obama has repeated this claim and has sought to reorient policy toward the prevention of state failure.

国民党政府于1956年至1961年之间,透过一连串之改革,将台湾之经济导向所谓的出口导向工业化的方向。During the period form 1956 to 1961, the KMT government launched a package of reforms to reorient Taiwan's economy to export-oriented industrialization.

现在中国有全世界最多的网民和母语非英语国家中最快新网民增长率,这引来了一个网民网络再教育的计划,但它可能导致专制政府在网络上施加更大影响。This has led to a well-meaning plan to reorient the Web toward these users. But it could result in authoritarian governments insisting on more influence.

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如果您曾经这么做过——平举着一个正在旋转的自行车车轮,然后试图将它向任意方向倾斜——您就会知道,这时车轮本身会将您的手往回拽,努力保持在它原来的旋转平面上。If you’ve ever held a bicycle wheel while it’s turning and tried to reorient it you know that the wheel itself pushes back, trying to remain in its original plane.

要下决心调整投资方向,把国家对基础设施建设投入的重点转向农村,这是一个重大转变。We need to resolutely work to reorient investment by shifting the government's priority in infrastructure investment to the countryside. This constitutes a major change.

这意味着,我们必须改变手机图书馆网站的设计策略,我们要重新面对设计一个对手机友好的学术搜索网站。This means that we will need to change our strategies regarding mobile library website design and reorient ourselves towards creating a mobile-friendly research experience.

科学家经检查后发现,这些生活在深海地区的海豚,胃里面都是空的。这说明它们可能丧失了辨别方向的能力,并且已经游了一段时间,以便让自己再次确定方位。But the bottleneck dolphins, which live in deep offshore waters, had empty stomachs, meaning that they could have been disoriented and were swimming for some time to reorient themselves.

经历了铁合金行业在短短两年时间内的冰火两重天,ZMI公司同样需要对其铁合金业务未来的发展进行分析和重新定位,并且制定相应的战略。Experiencing the huge changes of ferroalloy market in the last two years, ZMI also need to analyze and reorient the development of its ferroalloy business, and then make corresponding strategies.