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腐败也十分流行。Corruption also runs rife.

他被控犯有贪污罪。He was accused of corruption.

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他被控告犯有贪污罪。He was accused of corruption.

腐败问题使得企业变得复杂起来。Corruption complicates business.

我告发了崔先生的腐败行为。I charged Mr. Choi with corruption.

我们是在这种腐化堕落中受的教育。We are educated in this corruption.

他浑身散发着腐化堕落的气味。An odor of corruption hangs about him.

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一些领域腐败现象易发多发。and some areas are prone to corruption.

这是个腐败成风的国家。It is a country where corruption is rife.

这个词是另一词的传讹。The word is a corruption of another word.

第三个问题就是盗窃和腐败。Our third problem is theft and corruption.

绝对权利绝对腐败。Abolute power leads to absolute corruption.

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他现在正致力于腐败问题。He is now engaged in an effort to corruption.

这个僧院充满了邪恶和腐息。The Monastery reeks with evil and corruption.

他们势要与腐败斗争到底。They seemed hell-bent on fighting corruption.

有关腐化的谣传使该参议员丧失了名誉。Rumours of corruption dishonoured the senator.

学生们正在参加反腐败运动。The students are crusading against corruption.

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肃贪是一场政治斗争。Eliminating corruption is a political struggle.

指非常稳固安全的把手点或固定点。A corruption of "bombproof" meaning very secure.

政府出台规定,对举报官员腐败进行高额奖励。High reward for tip-offs on official corruption.