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他被一个流氓引上了邪路。He was ledastray by a hooligan.

那个流氓说他杀掉了那个女人。The hooligan said he had iced the woman.

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小流氓不停地用电话跟她纠缠。A hooligan persecuted her with telephone calls.

对那个嚣张的流氓已给予严厉惩处。The severe punishment was meted out to the unruly hooligan.

足球迷中的流氓用刀砍坏了列车上的一些座位。The football hooligan have slash some of the seat in the train.

普京把少年时的自己形容成差生。Putin describes his younger self as a poor student and a "hooligan."

对,我有一次在网上就写了个“文艺女流氓”就被屏蔽掉了。Yeah! Some times "woman hooligan of literature and art" I wrote was screened.

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流氓斜倚着墙站着,嘴里叼根烟,脸上一个刀疤。The hooligan stood leaning against the wall, cigarette between lips and scar on face.

卫灵公的太子是有名的小流氓,人人见到都怕。The prince of the King of Weiling was a notorious hooligan whom everyone was afraid of.

流氓斜倚着墙站着,嘴里叼着一根烟,脸上一个刀疤。The hooligan stood leaning against the wall, with a cigarette between his lips and a scar on his face.

流氓集团的首要分子,处七年以上有期徒刑。Ringleaders of hooligan groups shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than seven years.

遇见你的那一刻,便开始了人性的猜疑,是伟大的知识分子还是社会盲流。The moment you meet, they started the suspicion of human nature, is a great intellectual or social hooligan.

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流氓斜靠着墙,嘴里叼一根烟,脸上还有一个新的刀伤。The hooligan stood leaning against the wall, with a cigarette between his lips and a newly-made cut on his face.

叶,以流氓麻雀之名出现在Tweeter和博客上,声称警方的行动伤害了工人的健康。Ye, who tweets and blogs under the name Hooligan Sparrow, said the police campaign was harming the health of workers.

在幻想的层面上,盖茨是一个小打小闹、喜欢破坏的流氓,却掌管着权力,打扮得像一个受人尊敬的主席。At the level of fantasy, Gates is a small-time, subversive hooligan who has taken over and dressed himself up as the respectable chairman.

牛玉强,人称中国“最后的流氓”,因“抢了一顶帽子,砸了一扇窗户,打了一个人”而被判刑。Niu Yuqiang who is known as China's "last hooligan" was sentenced after "snatching a hat, smashing a window and fighting with another man".

聚众斗殴罪是司法实践中较常见的一种犯罪行为,脱胎于1979年刑法中的流氓罪。Crime of affray resolved from the crime of hooligan in criminal law since 1979, it was one of more common criminal acts in judicial practice.

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每场联赛都有电视直播,足球场又破败不堪,而且还有突出的足球流氓问题,但现场依然人山人海。Every league game is live on television, the stadiums are crumbling and there is a significant hooligan problem, and yet crowds are enormous.

聚众斗殴罪从1979年刑法中的流氓罪分解而来,是扰乱公共秩序罪的典型犯罪之一。The crime of affray resolved from the crime of hooligan in criminal law since 1979, it was the model of the crime of disrupting public order.

1925年,把自己称为“流氓”的诗人叶赛宁把自己吊死在这幢房子的5号房间里,留下了一首用自己鲜血写成的告别诗。The poet Sergei Esenin – who called himself a hooligan – had hanged himself in room five in 1925, leaving a farewell poem written in his own blood.