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他们因上帝的智慧而富足,以天上的甲胄为配备。They were enriched with the wisdom of God, and girded with the panoply of heaven.

石油也为积木提供了多种多样的塑料和泡沫。Petrochemicals also provide the building blocks for a vast panoply of plastics and foams.

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让我们在一首曲子中经历人类所有情感的的盛装聚会。It can take us through the full panoply of human emotions within one particular composition.

一整套系统已经开始运转,出生以后仍然会存在某种缺陷。A panoply has been set in motion, and defectiveness to some degree will still present at birth.

IQ测试不能反映出进行‘优秀的思考’所需要的全部技能。They fall short of the full panoply of skills that would come under the rubric of 'good thinking'.

所谓的第一个例子指的是当今遍盖著我们这个星球的所有动植物以及所有其他的生物。The first being the entire panoply of plants, animals, and other organisms that now dominate our planet.

文特尔研究组用化学测序仪器确定现代微生物高度进化部分的全套基因组。Venter’s team is using chemical sequencing machines to make a panoply of genes for the highly evolved parts of a modern microbe.

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福山说,权利的观念,在欧洲发展得最为显著,不过也是经过很长一段时间才发展成为一整套完整的权利法则的。The idea of rights, he says, evolved most notably in Europe, though it took a long time for a full panoply of rights to take hold.

与其说亚裔美国人是一个种族,不如说它是一个联盟-有如一个覆盖着各种利益的黄棕色帐棚。Asian Americans belong not to a race so much as to a confederation, a big yellow-and-brown tent that covers a panoply of interests.

微软和苹果正在开发的平板电脑结合了电子阅读器的特点和全面的多媒体功能。And both Microsoft and Apple are working on tablet-style computers that combine features of ane-reader with a panoply of multimedia capabilities.

起初,沃兹尼亚奇离底线太远,而意大利选手斯奇亚沃尼,使用各种球路和旋转达到惊人效果。At the start, Wozniacki was marooned too far behind the baseline, while Schiavone, an Italian, used her panoply of shots and spins to spectacular effect.

该法案还包含一整套条款,对民事和刑事惩罚、司法实施、司法复审、混合决策,以及先占问题做出了规定。The Act also contains the usual panoply of provisions on civil and criminal penalties, judicial enforcement, judicial review, hybrid rulemaking, and preemption.

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因此,海盗目前被当作有资格在平民刑事法庭受审,而他们被授予全套刑事诉讼权利。Thus, pirates are currently treated as if they are entitled to trial in a civilian criminal court, and they are granted a panoply of criminal procedural rights.

2010年,有一系列工业部门得到了中国的投资,包括哪些臭名昭著的离岸石油公司。In 2010, a panoply of firms invested in a range of sectors, including the first large resource investment by once-spurned China National Off-Shore Oil Corporation.

索尼不仅在视频游戏方面和微软狭路相逢,而且在家用电器的各个领域也要这微软一争高下,因为微软决心通过软件而控制家电另一。Yet Sony has to face Microsoft not just in videogames but across the entire panoply of home electronics, which Microsoft is determined to control through software.

“整体医疗实践”是一种实践,使得整个一套有效的治疗方法能够遍历所有的象限和维度,对人类健康和疾病腾出空间。An “integralmedical practice” is a practice that makes room for the entire panoply ofeffective treatments across all quadrants and dimensions of human health andillness.

但到了十九世纪末,那种盛况随着一种全新材料的兴起而衰落,这就是赛璐珞,第一种人工合成的塑料。But in the late nineteenth century, that panoply of possibilities began to fall away with the arrival of a totally new kind of material — celluloid, the first man-made plastic.

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要成为一个真正严格的纯素食者是要尽力避免所有动物产品,这包括像皮革、丝绸和羊毛,以及诸多的化妆品和药品。To be a really strict vegan is to strive to avoid all animal products, andthis includes materials like leather, silk and wool, as well as a panoply ofcosmetics and medications.

要让强大的拉丁裔,及其他种族——美国所有的族群——帮助作出重要决定,不仅仅是在最高法院,还要在会议室,在学校,以及在编辑室。You want to have powerful Latinas — and others, the full panoply of American types — helping make big decisions, not just on the Supreme Court, but in boardrooms, schools and editorial offices.