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我需要本教程吗?Do I need this tutorial?

谁应该学习本教程?Should I take this tutorial?

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本教程的内容是什么?What is this tutorial about?

谁应该阅读本教程?Who should use this tutorial?

谁应该阅读本教程?Who should take this tutorial?

就为了开心——透明笔记本电脑教程Transparent TFT Screen Tutorial

你觉得面授辅导课有帮助吗?Do you find the tutorial helpful?

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那个教程不正适合我吗?Is that tutorial frame-up suit me?

本指南中你就能学到该怎么实现。In this tutorial you will learn how.

你就读哪一间补习学校?Which tutorial school do you attend?

要花多长时间来学该教程?How Much Time Will this Tutorial Take?

这是鸭子教程的最后一步。This is the end of the ducky tutorial.

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编码器,教程编辑器,地图编辑器。Coder, Tutorial Editor, and map editor.

在补习社,这些都是不包括在内。In the tutorial these are not included.

尽管如此,本教程到此结束。That said, this concludes the tutorial.

今年,我们上了一堂关于忧虑的辅导课。We've had a tutorial on worry this year.

这是一个要求补习的马塞洛。This is a requested tutorial for Marcelo.

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在Layar的Wiki上有初学者的指导文档。Layar has a beginner's tutorial on its wiki.

这个HTML指导是你入手的好地方。This HTML tutorial is a good place to start.

你对补习社有甚麽感觉?。What do you feel about the tutorial classes?