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热带地区出产甘美的水果。Tropical zones breed luscious fruits.

芬芳的三叶草冒出了地面。The clover sprang up green and luscious.

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过分成熟的甜果势必掉下树枝。So luscious fruit must fall when over-ripe.

我最喜欢的是盖比那性感饱满的双唇!What I like most about Gabby is her luscious lips!

给自己找一件性感迷人的浴袍,让你感觉像一个女王。Get yourself a luscious bathrobe that makes you feel like a queen.

或者在冬天的晚上,靠在猛烈燃烧的壁炉旁,喝上一杯甘醇的红酒。Or a goblet of luscious red by a leaping fire on a winter's evening.

北方的富人们也纷纷开始更深入于他们的奢侈生活中。The rich in the north started to be more into the fancy luscious living.

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我打赌你会给你的头发染色因为你妒忌我柔软的发质。I bet you dyed your hair only because you’re jealous of my luscious hair!

丰富的成熟水果味,非常甘美,后味悠长而甜美。Rich mature fruit flavours beautifully mellowed and a luscious long finish.

香甜、美丽的水果塔,不仅适合做饭后甜点,也可当点心。Sweet, luscious fruit tarts are ideal as a light dessert or tea-time snack.

美妙的香味是邮迷人的香草柑橘精油带来。Deliciously scented with a luscious blend of vanilla and citrus essential oils.

最好看的电影,得到的甘美的管弦乐的全面影响。Best seen in the cinema, to get the full effect of the luscious orchestral score.

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柠檬味的豪华型为您提供可口的纤维源将实际享受!The Luscious Lemon flavor gives you a delicious fiber source you will actually enjoy!

“我打赌你会给你的头发染色因为你妒忌我柔软的发质。”她说。“I bet you dyed your hair only because you're jealous of my luscious hair!” She said.

此款甘美的卡本泥苏维翁和设拉子混合葡萄酒充满李子、黑莓的果味。This luscious Cabernet Sauvignon and Shiraz is rich in plum and blackberry fruitiness.

具有甘美的热带和异国水果风味。用橡木桶窖藏时产生奶油香草和饴糖的香气。Luscious tropica and exotic fruit flavours. Creamy vanilla and caramel notes when oak aged.

一些牛放牧过,在距景点如草,身材性感。Some cattle were grazing off in the distance in spots where the grass was tall and luscious.

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摆满了雅座和餐桌的、幽暗而温暖舒适的酒吧,正是一醉方休再好不过的地方了。This dark and luscious warren of cosy booths and tables is dedicated to indulgent nightcaps.

口感饱满甘美,杏仁、香桃、柑橘和精妙法国橡木的味道错落有致。Rich and luscious with layers of flavor including apricot, peach, citrus and subtle French oak.

当我完全沉浸在美妙的音乐中时,那种过瘾的感觉是笔墨难以形容的。It is an indescribably wonderful feeling when I am totally bathing myself in the luscious music.