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他的衣服掩饰了他的身分。Hiss clothes belie his station.

他未屈尊吟唱,示灵魂以假象。He deign'd not to belie his soul in songs.

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但它的实际行动与它的诺言大相径庭,至少在移动设备市场上如此。But its actions largely belie its words, at least in mobile.

他说,销售量跟很多示威者所抱怨的情况并不相符。He says sales figures belie many of the protesters' complaints.

建一个贞节牌坊以掩盖她是女表子的实情。Build chastity memorial arch to belie the truth of being a bitch.

“我想你是冤枉她了,”希刺克厉夫说,把椅子转过来朝着她们。I think you belie her,' said Heathcliff, twisting his chair to face them.

类似的例子打破了细菌是简单、寂静的独行者的观念。Examples like this belie the notion that bacteria are simple, silent loners.

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但是这些个看身材掩饰国家运动的倾斜兴趣。But these viewing figures belie the country's declining interest in the sport.

霍华德始终如一的勤奋和努力似乎掩盖了他的运动天赋。Howard's constant hustle and effort belie his physical giftedness as an athlete.

情报局基本一周一次的情况通报会背离了它的强硬形象。The briefings, which take place about once a week, belie the agency's gritty image.

但是,新的高分辨率卫星照片却否定了将军的说法。New high-resolution satellite imagery, however, appears to belie the general's statement.

不过就像国际贸易政治角力的常见情况,说是一回事,作又是另一回事.But as so often in the politics of international trade, actions -- or lack of them -- belie words.

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但诙谐的表象下面潜藏着的是巴拉拉根除华尔街内外所有不公的强烈抱负和执着信念。But they belie a fierce ambition and an obsession to root out injustice on Wall Street and beyond.

宁静的水面晨雾迷离,掩盖了雕琢这些花岗岩山峰的巨大力量。Tranquil waters and a drift of morning mist belie the power that carved these granite hills in Red Cuillin, Skye.

军队是印度最有效率的组织了。这一类的新闻经常出现让人失望。Armed forces were the only efficient set up in India. News of this type which appears very often belie that hope as well.

希望这些例子能解释对视觉设计角色的一些常见误解。Hopefully, these examples have demonstrated truths that belie some common misconceptions about the role of visual design.

奥尔特加先生还通过减税和有益生意的规章引资,掩盖了他“社会主义者”的商标。Mr Ortega has also courted investment with tax breaks and business-friendly regulations that belie his "socialist" brand.

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后来他们就友好起来,并一起游戏,态度羞怯忸怩,跟猛兽的凶恶本性完全不同。Then they became friendly, and played about in the nervous, half-coy way with which fierce beasts belie their fierceness.

尸体的发现还证明水利部的声称是假的,他们说已从纳罗拉水坝向恒河注入每秒数千立方英尺的水。Bodies' recovery also belie irrigation department's claim of thousands of cusecs of water being discharged in Ganga from Narora dam.

艾瑞娜是位操控魅惑魔法的高手,并且在战斗中表现出与她年龄不相称的坚韧勇气,她的这些特质源于她独特的出身。Eirena's mastery of enchantments and steely bravery in battle belie her youth – but the truth of her origins reconciles these qualities.