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工业化的方式取代了手工操作。The methods of industrialism displace the handicrafts.

其他中国新工业化的标志占据了整幅风景。Other signs of China's new industrialism dominate the landscape.

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但是,由于城市工业主义的发展,社会紧张局势日益加剧。But the social tension due to the development of urban industrialism grew.

工业化生产已开始篡夺家庭生产和分配的功能。Industrialism began to usurp the production and distribution functions of the family.

中国哲学尝试整合民主、共和主义与工业思想。Chinese philosophy attempted to incorporate democracy, republicanism and industrialism.

马克·吐温如同他许多同时代的人,在赞扬工业文明的时候,有点三心二意。Like so many of his contemporaries, Twain was not whole-hearted in his praise of industrialism.

至于实业主义的诗歌,那是一个有待开发的文学新领域。The poetry of industrialism now there's a literary line where you got to open up new territory.

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工业主义打破了共同体的封闭结构,将一个变幻莫测、神奇万象的大都市生活带到了现代社会之中。But the industrialism breaks its close structure and gives birth to a variational and wizardly urban life.

我建议把我们这个由官僚管理的社会制度转变为注重人性的工业社会。I suggest transforming our social system from a bureaucratically managed industrialism into a humanist industrialism.

过度发展的工业也导致了理性主义的肆虐,它反过来进一步压抑人的内在天性。The overdeveloped industrialism also results hi rationalism, which in turn further suppresses the inner Nature of man.

他认为,较之封建社会的黩武精神,工业主义的历程本质上是和平的。He defined the process of industrialism as essentially pacific in contrast to the militaristic spirit of feudal society.

电视文化受众身份实现了从普通观众到消费者的转变。The industrialism of TV culture transforms the numerous statuses from the ordinary audience to consumer's transformation.

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中国社会在迈向工业化和城市化的进程中铁路的发展起着关键性的作用。It addresses the key role that the development of railway plays during the process when China steps into industrialism and urbanism.

如何加快电子信息产业发展,对保持经济持续快速增长,加快推进工业化进程具有十分重要的意义。How to accelerate the development of this industry is significant to maintaining the economy increase and the industrialism improvement.

以前的“后工业社会”理论已不足以全面解释现在变化了的主体与现实。Besides, the former notion of post- industrialism , he also holds, does not suffice to explain fully the already changed subject and reality.

讨论了南充市农业产业结构的进一步调整与农业产业化的进一步发展问题。Discussion is made finally on a further adjustment to the agricultural construction and on further development of agricultural industrialism in Nanchong.

而进入20世纪的西方社会学当下的生身情境就是丹尼尔·贝尔所谓的后工业时代或弗里德里克·杰姆逊所谓的晚期资本主义。The background of the western sociology facing the 20th century was post- industrialism named by Daniel Bell and Late Capitalism proposed by Fredric Jameson.

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估计曼彻斯特消耗了数百万吨的煤炭,引用路易斯·芒福德的话说,这个城市上空飘着的烟“就是新工业主义的香气”。Coal consumption in Manchester was measured in millions of tonnes, and its smoke became, as Lewis Mumford remarked, "the very incense of the new industrialism".

我们必须机智地适应工业化这一社会进化的必经阶段,并且密切地关注其拯救生命的潜在可能。We must adapt resourcefully to industrialism as a necessary stage of social evolution, monitoring the process with a cunning eye for its life-saving potentialities.

人文科学的新图画纪录了对工业主义和功利主义的反应,它和曾经产生文学艺术上的浪漫主义运动的反应相同。The humanities' new picture took account of some of the same responses to industrialism and utilitarianism that gave rise to the Romantic movement in literature and art.