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其他来自未消化食物的发酵过程。The rest is from fermentation of undigested food.

没有被消化的蛋白质会在你的胃里开始腐烂变质。Undigested protein begins to rot and putrefy in your tummy.

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他去世时留下大量尚未整理的文稿。At his death he left a great mass of undigested manuscripts.

然后,他们可以通过小肠的未消化食物蛋白质窃喜。They then get undigested food protein coursing through the small bowel.

胃中长时间留有未消化的食物会导致胃轻瘫的发生。Gastroparesis occurs when the stomach retains undigested food for long periods.

小肠中未消化的食物然后进入大肠。Undigested food from the small intestine is then passed into the large intestine.

海藻的大部分被这种海蛤蝓消化,但是叶绿体保持完整不被消化。The slugs digest most of the algae, but those plastids remain whole and undigested.

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任何被摄取的食物都要经过这个开口,没有被消化的残骸也是由此排出。Any food consumed passes through this opening, and so do undigested remains being expelled.

研究者们在恐鳄的粪便中也没有找到骨头或其他未被消化的动物残骸。What the researchers didn't find in the feces are bone or other bits of undigested animals.

未消化的肉类留在肠内,会变成毒性物质。Undigested meat remaining in the intestines become putrefied and leads to more toxic buildup.

未消化的肉类留在肠内,会变成成毒性物质。Undigested meat remaining in the intestines become putrified and leads to more toxic buildup.

这些研究纲领在自己发展的任何阶段上,都有未解决的问题和未消化的反常。Each of them, at any stage of its development, has unsolved problems and undigested anomalies.

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食物过敏会继续增加脂肪的储存,并导致更严重的肥胖。Undigested food allergens will continue to be deposited in fat cells, leading to greater obesity.

图5。饲粮纤维及不可被消化多醣类促进粪便排出量之机制。Fig 5. Mechanism of action of dietary fiber and undigested carbohydrates in increasing faecal weight.

在那里,连接大肠的血管带走未消化废物中的水。There, blood vessels supplying the large intestine carry away water extracted from the undigested waste.

其次,未消化的食物颗粒会渗漏过肠壁进入你的身体循环。Second, undigested food particles can leak across the intestinal wall and enter your systemic circulation.

肠内气体主要由结肠内未消化的食物发酵产生,例如植物纤维。Intestinal gas is typically caused by the fermentation of undigested food, such as plant fiber, in the colon.

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它往往发生在仰卧位,并公开向病人的未消化食物吸入的危险。It occurs more often in the supine position, and exposes the patients to the risk of aspiration of undigested food.

因为饭后胃内充满尚未消化的食物,马上卧倒休息会使人产生饱胀感。After a meal because of stomach full of undigested food, immediately lie down to rest will make people have a sense of fullness.

宁可推迟冬眠的时间也不能使龟龟进入冬眠时消化道内还有未排出的食物。Delay hibernation rather than allow a tortoise to hibernate while the possibility of undigested food matter within the intestine remains.