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他已开了门,表示门已翻开了。He has opened the door.

罗恩瞪大了眼睛。Ron's eyes opened wide.

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一个卫兵打开房门。A guard opened the door.

但客人并不打开看。But they are not opened.

门开了,又关了。Door opened also closed.

她终于睁开了眼睛。Finally her eyes opened.

门是朝里开的。The door opened inwards.

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乔纳森睁眼一看。Jonathan opened his eyes.

电梯门开了。The elevator door opened.

树熊睁开一只眼,哇!The koala opened one eye.

他们在那开了一个矿。They opened a mine there.

通往我房子的门是开的。She opened the door for me.

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这座设施于1966年开通使用。Thefacility opened in 1966.

谁打开了马房的门?Who opened the stable door?

你的诡计已暴露无遗了。Your trick has been opened.

我为用户开放了一个论坛。For users, I opened a forum.

警察中的神枪手开了火。Police marksmen opened fire.

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这个眼库开办于1996年。The Eye Bank opened in 1996.

大卫打开了马厩的门。David opened the stable door.

他张开嘴正要说话。He opened his mouth to speak.