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包皮相关问题。Problems with the foreskin.

在小碗中放着切下来血淋淋的包皮。In a kidney bowl lies the bloodied slug that was his foreskin.

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如果你没有割过包皮,应将包皮上翻。If you do not cut off the foreskin, the foreskin should be doubled.

包皮过长是一种先天性的异常发育。The foreskin is too long is a congenital developmental abnormality.

在阴蒂包皮下外表可见到的正是阴蒂头。Externally visible under this foreskin is the glans of the clitoris.

包茎比较严重,包皮无法上翻时怎样使用理根呢?Phimosis serious foreskin can not use arguments on how the double root?

使用了安全套,但我的包皮过长,会感染吗?The use of a condom, but my foreskin is too long, you will be infected?

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此时您将开始看到真正的包皮生长开始发生了。This is when you will start to see real foreskin development taking place.

所以你们要将心里的污秽除掉,不可再硬著颈项。Circumcise therefore the foreskin of your heart, and be no longer stubborn.

在包皮表层内部有丰富的细胞可以抵抗病毒。The inner surface of the foreskin is rich in cells that viruses can target.

为此,你们要心受割损,不要再执拗。Circumcise therefore the foreskin of your heart, and stiffen your neck no more.

如果你还没割包皮,那么常规性地使用肥皂和清水清洁一下包皮下面。If you're not circumcised, regularly clean beneath your foreskin with soap and water.

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包皮材料有铝、铜、低碳钢、不锈钢、蒙乃尔合金等。Foreskin material of aluminum, copper, low carbon steel, stainless steel, Monel alloy.

这种液体可以让包皮在光滑与健康的阴蒂头上滑动。This fluid allows the foreskin to move back and forth over the smooth and healthy glans.

当社会不在保守,头发渐渐留长了,包皮也成为一种自由的象征。As society unwound itself and hair grew longer, the foreskin became an emblem of freedom.

包茎是指包皮口狭窄,包皮不能上翻或者上翻时非常疼痛。Phimosis is wrapping stenosis. foreskin or not there on the double double with great pain.

两周后,他发现这些包皮的角蛋白层显著增厚。Two weeks later, he found that these keratin layer of the foreskin significantly thickened.

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结果他的包皮卡在拉链里了,接下来的几小时我们都在急诊室里度过。His foreskin got caught in the zipper and we spent the next few hours in the emergency room.

包皮垢适宜细菌生长,故可引起阴经头及包皮发炎。Smegma suitable for bacterial growth, it can cause Yin head and inflammation of the foreskin.

亚伯拉罕受割礼的时候,年九十九岁。And Abraham was ninety years old and nine, when he was circumcised in the flesh of his foreskin.